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Inks POV
I heard the sound of someone waking up, I looked over and gave the pillow I made to dream, for blue, I ran over to the 10 other sans' and papyrus' Classic and fell woke up, they looked over the place, and their eyes landed on me, then to dream, lust and blue, fell wasted no time to get up and run towards blueberry, arguing with dream and lust, classic just got up and went towards me, "what happened? Where are we? What's happening? And why is lust covering himself up?" He said looking at lust, "you were knocked out. A void. Your talking with me. lust had a problem, i now have a feeling we were wrong about him all that time" i replied looking towards lust who was backing up, "so~. What happened with him" classic asked, "uh, someone jumped him" I replied, his eyes ran over lusts body movements, he sighed and walked over, stopping fell from doing something stupid.
I was actually quite surprised classic didn't ask why they were there, but I was relieved he didn't. I looked over at the other 6 sans' , I realised LT and QT Papyrus weren't there, I panicked, there wasn't really any place in the void they could go. They weren't near dream or classic, though lust was by himself, then I realised something, 'those two are trouble makers' I thought as I saw small goggles hiding behind lust, he was smiling slightly, pretending he didn't know he wasn't there. Blue was standing now, he could use his back more, though he was told not to use anything heavy, so no armour, and magic, in case something terrible happens.

Blueberry POV
I was quite upset I couldn't use my magic, but was fine with no armour, I didn't really have any use for it. I couldn't use my spine for anything, couldn't hold anything heavy, I was upset that I couldn't really challenge my strength, but I could relax, in this empty, white, void, I just sat, and waited and waited, I groaned in annoyance, "why is it so hard to relax?" I heard chuckling from behind me, I turned my head, too see UT and UF quietly laughing, their backs turned from me, if I could use my magic I would've definitely have given revenge, I turned my head around only to see a young papyrus, and when I say young, I mean young, "hello young papyrus," I greeted, his eyes shined brightly, "your sans but not mine, because my sans are smawwer and wears differwent clossing" the small papyrus said getting his words slurred together, I chuckled at his words, it was adorable.

Swapfell POV
I sat up in pain, 'what the hell?' I thought as all I saw was white, I cracked my jaw when I opened my mouth, I stretched my arms and was about to get up when I noticed something in my lap, it was a sans, but it was a young version, 'what. The. Hell?'

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