Too Many Portals

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"Sombra! It's been a while." EarthLace said. Sombra's eyes were still sealed on SpitFire.

"Who is this young goddess?"

"This is SpitFire, she is the goddess of fire. She's a sweetie but can be quite intimidating."

"Ah, so nice to meet you SpitFire." Sombra held out his head for SpitFire to shake. SpitFire hesitated before slowly reaching out and shaking his head slowly. "So, what brings you three here to my world of shadows? I saw OceanBreeze come through here so I knew you weren't far behind."

WindSwirl stepped forward before anyone had the chance to answer. "Actually, we are going to attack her city, OceanBreezia. She set EarthLace on fire so we're seeking revenge! And we're sure that she has a portal here somewhere that will lead us right to it."

"She does have a portal. However, there are a bunch of portals here and I don't know which one is which! Would you mind if I accompany you on your journey?"

Wow they weren't kidding. Sombra IS a nice guy. SpitFire thought. "Absolutely."

"Fantastic! There are a great number of molten rock halls. There's a portal in one of them. However, I cannot promise that the portal in it is the one you're looking for."

"We'll take that chance."

"Great! WindSwirl and I will go this way. You and SpitFire will go that way."

The two groups went down separate hall ways in search for a portal. "So WindSwirl," Sombra began. "How you been?"

"Fine. A lot of stuff has been happening. I was sent to the moon for a thousand years, we rescued SpitFire from a dragon and made her the goddess of fire, and war happened."

"Wait a sec, what happened to SpitFire?"

"Oh well, she and this boy were kidnapped by a dragon that escaped from Tartarus. She sacrificed her life to save his and he traded his life to bring her back to life. And I felt bad and made her a goddess. But it really sucked because for a thousand years she couldn't speak. So yeah, the usual."

"Wait! There's a portal here!" Sombra took no time in stepping in. WindSwirl stepped in after him and noticed they were just in the middle of a forest.

"Hey, Spitz and Lacy don't come our direction. It just leads to the middle of no where."

SpitFire followed her sister to many different molten rock hallways. "Wait, maybe the kingdom is somewhere around the forest."

Sombra began to stack rocks and make his way up to get a better view. However, WindSwirl stepped on the rocks with him. "Stop! I'm trying to see our surroundings."

"We can both fit! Come on let's go!" Sombra reacted by pushing WindSwirl off the stack of rocks and laughing. "You breeze!"

Once WindSwirl recovered from the fall, she saw Sombra was getting higher and higher off the ground. "Sombra, what do your god eyes see?"

"My god eyes see...nothing."

"Do you see a place with a large wall around it?"

"Um, no."

Suddenly, the whole world of Sombra was filled with SpitFire's screams. "Woah!" A large ball of fire was suddenly blasted at her as she took cover in a hole. "WOAH!"

EarthLace ran to her sister who was surprisingly out in the open of the molten world. "What happened?!"

"Things! Bad, bad things!"

EarthLace quickly ran over to the hole and saw SpitFire at the bottom. "Before all the fire and demons I saw a ladder that led somewhere!"

Sombra and WindSwirl ran to the two to make sure no one was hurt but instead saw EarthLace pulling SpitFire out of the hole. Sombra looked around to finally see what SpitFire was talking about. "Oh yeah, the ladder's right there."

"Well, she HAS to have a portal."

WindSwirl looked around through the molten hallways until she reached another beautiful portal. "I found a portal!"

Sombra slapped the palm of his hand on his head. "That's the same portal Windy."


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