Fishing for Space Sharks

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EarthLace and her sisters woke up to the sounds of old friend. The birds who chirped, the trees who shook, the frogs that bounced, and the breezes that blew. OceanBreeze slept in the ruins of her burned city and saw that the wall still stood. That reminded her about the space shark which also caused some destruction.

"Hey guys, um, remember that space shark I created to blow up SpitFire."

EarthLace flashed back to the memory of her being cut by her sister before telling Spitz how dangerous a space shark was. "You mean the shark you made yesterday?"

"Yeah listen, it's roaming the land and I think it would be better if we found it before it found us."

"So your saying that it could be anywhere at this point?" She was frustrated that OceanBreeze didn't tell her this sooner or that she even created that thing in the first place.

"Um, yeah, it's just roaming around."

"Awww, that means this is going to take forever!" WindSwirl yawned as she emerged from her castle. She wondered why SHE was the one who always had to wake up so early to raise the sun and lower the moon.

"Oh lighten up Windy, I think we should go find it." EarthLace said in a somewhat cheery voice. However, they all knew that OceanBreeze is the only one who can make just about anything less bad.

"And totally kill it!" SpitFire said demonically as she snuck up behind EarthLace. She screamed in horror as she turned around to see her sister laughing.

"Yeah, after I used it to blow up SpitFire I was like, that's awesome! But then it tried to kill me and I ran away and lost it in the forest-"

SpitFire cut her off as she began to chuckle. "Wait, you can't control your own pet?"

"It was never really a pet to begin with, SpitFire. I just created it to kill you because you burned down my city."

SpitFire smiled in satisfaction. "So anyway, can you guys come to OceanBreezia and prepare for battle? "

WindSwirl quickly grabbed a sword on her way out. "I'm already prepared."

EarthLace went along and grabbed a sword as well. However, SpitFire disagreed with this plan. "Wait Breezie. You want me to come help you, after blowing me up, destroy the thing that blew me up?!"

"Yeeeeah, that is correct." OceanBreeze took no time in hesitation. She knew SpitFire could be quite intimidating sometimes. And after what she did to her, she knew Spitz would be out for blood. "So can you come do that for me?"

SpitFire took a turn in the road leaving EarthLace to travel by herself. "Uh no, maybe I should find my own land; SpitFirton."

EarthLace looked back and seeing her sister adventure off in the distance. "Is that your new town?"

"Well, if I find a town, yes."

"So your not coming with us to kill this shark?"

"No, you guys go kill your stupid little fish. I got better things to do. However, I MAY come with you."

OceanBreeze laughed as she covered herself head to toe with armor. "I could sure use your help."

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