Chapter 2 - I'd better get started.

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This ones pretty long, sorry about that ;-;


It's been a few days since I arrived in Pennsylvania. West Chester seems really nice and I should probably go outside and explore the place a little bit. I read that there is a really large skatepark nearby to where I'm staying so that seems like a good start. I jump off my bed and throw on a Slayer t-shirt and some black skinny jeans with my new skater shoes. I flick my shortened hair around a little, apply a tad of mascara and nod in approval. I rummage through my still unpacked suitcase and grab my newly bought skateboard. Heading down the stairs, I open the door and whsiper to myself "Right then. I'd better get started."

I slam the door, lock it and stuff my keys into my jeans. I plug in my headphones, flick through my music, looking for something that catches my eye. Iron Maiden.

"That'll do, I guess." I mumble to myself.

I throw down the board and skate my way to the park. As I arrive, I'm greeted with some seriously talented people, primarily guys. Maybe it's time to show them what a girl can do. I wrap my headphones around my phone and securely place it into my pocket. I notice a few people turn their heads to look at me and whisper things to their friends, I only smirk in responce. After a few tricks, I decide that I want to give them something to really turn their heads at. I grind along some rails, perform a couple of tricks such as ollies and 360's when a young lad lets his board go, colliding with mine causing me to go flying into midair. I land on my back, smashing my head on the floor, my ankle being slightly twisted in the process. A few guys slide down and check to see if Im alright, but one voice sticks out the most. It's warm and deep, almost silky. Once my eyes stop spinning, I try to focus on the face but my vision can't seem to stop spinning. My head hits the deck again and all I see is black.

I wake up outside of a house. It's huge. Massive, in fact. I sit up and look around, feeling for something familier. Im sitting on grass, an embankment. Putting my head into my hands, I groan loudly.

"You really hit your head back there, huh?" That voice. It's returned. I still can't pinpoint it so I turn to look at whom it's coming from. Walking towards me is a man in black jeans, a HIM shirt, sunglasses and a beanie. He kneels beside me.

"I see you have one of my boards, missy" And it hits me.

"No way.. You're not.. Bam..?" I mumble.

"The very same." He smiles. I melt completely.

"Oh my god.. You're Bam.. THE Bam.. Where am I?" I say, still dazed and confused.

"It's what I like to call Castle Bam. I watched from a distance at the park as you performed all those wicked ass tricks. I was impressed, I've gotta say. And then that dumbass let his board throw you off. You took one hell of a fall and I decided that I should help out. I knew that I couldn't stay there either. I would have been bombarded with people asking for photo's and shit. I dunno, I just felt like I needed to help out. So uh.. Here you are, I guess." He explains to me.

"Well I.. Thank you. I- I mean, you know, for helping me out and stuff..." My words trail off, becoming embarrassed the more I think about my stupidity. A few minutes of silence pass. "You know, I've watched all of your stuff. I used to love you as a teen. Then I had to grow up. And that never helps anything." The sounds of him laughing at my unfunny personality helps settle my mood but Im interupted by a sharp pain stabs through my skull. "Argh, shit! That hurts!" I put my hand on my head.

"You alright? Here, I'll take you inside. The sun can't be helping anything." He says to me, standing up and offering his hand. I hesitate, but take the offer. Brushing off my clothes, he leads me into the giant building he calls Castle Bam. He welcomes me inside and walks me to the kitchen. Pulling out a chair, I sit and he runs the tap, filling a glass for me.

"Here you go." He hands me the glass.

"Ah thanks, man. I appreciate this." I take a few gulps, and it drops into my stomach.

"Better?" He greets me with a soft smile and I again, melt. I nod and study the kitchen further.

"This is all incredibly surreal. I mean, I always dreamed of something like this happening and now that it is, I have a feeling it's just my head being a bitch." I start tapping the glass.

"Well, this ain't a dream. I never caught your name by the way." He questions.

"Oh! My name's Jess. It's, uh, lovely to meet you, Bam!" I chuckle lightly, as does he.

"You're from England, right? The accent, it's very.. Prominant." He takes my empty glass and places it on the side behind him.

"I uh, yes. Yeah, I'm British." I answer.

"What're you doing all way up here then? Holiday?" He questions, looking at me, his crystal blue eyes filling my stomach with butterflies.

"Im on an assignment. Gotta write a paper about skaters. Suits my lifestyle, I guess." I reply to him, shuffling in my seat.

"Yo Bam, where you at?" A voice from the distance calls.

"In here, dude!" Bam replies. The voice enters the room and belongs to fellow co-star of Jackass, Ryan Dunn.

"What's up, Man! You ready?" Dunn spots me and looks a little surprised. "And who's this?"

"Dunn, this is Jess. Met her at the skatepark. Jess this is--"

"Ryan Dunn! No way!" My voice is filled with excitement and pure energy.

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