Chapter 9 - Jackass!

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Bam told me that we're driving a little far from Pennsylvania to get to where we're filming. I asked him about the skit but he doesnt seem to want to tell me anything. A surprise, I guess. I can't say that Im not excited because I really am. It's enough that Im staying with Bam Margera, but to meet the entire cast of the Jackass Crew as well? I think I'm going to have a heartattack. Bam and I listen to a few albums on the way there. I requested he play Nymphetamine again, in which he did. We again spent our time jamming along, doing air guitar, headbanging. It was so fun!

When we arrive at the place were they'll be filming the new Jackass, I recognise an undeniable laugh. Steve-O. Holy shit. Bam then opens his door, jumps out so I copy. Once outside of the car, Bam greets the guys.

"What's up, bitches!" He runs up to them and tackles a few of them. I sit back and watch, laughing my ass off. 

"Hey Bam, who's the lady?!" Knoxville yells.

"OooOOOooo!" Pontius walks behind Bam, taking the piss. I then walk up to Bam and he holds my hand. 

"Guys, meet Jess, my girl." My girl. MY GIRL?! I think I just died. "I'm sure you're aware of all of these assholes?"

"I, uh, Yeah! Yeah, I know these guys. It's.. God It's so good to meet you all! I can't believe this is happening right now. I've just become a teenager again." They laugh, Knoxville comes and hugs me, as does Steve-O. 

"Nice to meet you, Jess! You're British?" Wee Man points out. 

"Yeah, I came up here for an assignment, but then I met Bam." Chris walks up to me.

"We'll take care of him, don't worry." I flinch, not knowing what he could be doing. 

"I've seen the shows countless times and that Bam is known for his little pranks. Go for it, dudes." They laugh and welcome me to sit with them. 

"I just need to get something, hang on." Bam walks to the car and Dunn joins us shortly after. The gang all greet him and he plonks himself next to me and Johnny. 

"So Jess. What do you like to do?" Johnny asks. I notice that they are all waiting for my answer, so I have the limelight.

"Well, I like to draw, sing, play guitar, write and take photo's of shit I find interesting." They all seem to nod in approval so I smile to myself. 

"Well, if you want to take about shit, Dave's your guy." Steve-o says to me, winking and laughing. I laugh at him, my mind being drawn back to the scene of Dave's ass being the human volcano. They ask me a few more questions about myself so I answer al the best I can. We laugh and take the piss, a lot more comfortable than I expected.

"Yo Bam! She's a keeper, dude!" Wee man yells to him.

"I know, dude! Why do you think I'm with her in the first place?!" He yells back at the gang. I grin now, blushing a little. When Bam returns to the group, we continue to discuss random shit. Johnny and I have been getting along well. He's so nice in person. As are all the guys. The director of the Jackass films, Jeff Tremaine, came around the corner and told the guys to get their ass's over to the set. We all get up, I stay with Jeff and talk about stuff to do with directing and camera work. I watch behind the scenes as they film the new skit, laughing quietly so I don't mess up on anything. After a few hours of filming different scenes, I take the time to do some skating. I remember that Bam has a few boards in his car so I take one out and skate over to the guys.

"Hey guys, Im just going to go for a skate. If you see Bam, tell him I'll be back in about 20 minutes." They agree to, and Johnny tells me to be careful. 

"Yeah, like I'm gonna take advice from a Jackass!" He laughs hard so I skate off into the open space, throwing in a few tricks here and there. I skate down the road, letting the air hit me hard, the breeze cool and refreshing. After some time, I stop and lay down for a bit, thinking about the last couple of days of my time in America. I then hear my phone beep. 

"Saw this, curious. Is it you?" I open the message and it's from an ex of mine. He's sent me an image of the magazine, but I don't reply. I leave it  and stuff my phone into my pocket. I see that the sun is starting to go down so I skate back to where the set is and see all the guys having a beer. I stop beside Bam and he grins his little cheesey grin. 

"Hey sweet. You alright?" I lean down and kiss his lips. The guys all start making puking noises so I flip them off. "Oh. I got a message from my ex while I was out. He'd sent me an image of the magazine but I didn't reply. I dont wanna stir things." I pull up a chair and sit next to him. He puts his hand on my knee, and holds my chin gently. 

"You want me to kill him?" I laugh and shake my head. 

"It's sweet of you to offer, but no. I can do that myself." Knoxville laughs so I giggle. 

"I've never seen Bam act so gay before" Steve-o says, opening another can of beer.

"I beg to differ. I've seen the butt bead ass kite." The guys burst out laughing, including Bam so I just smile, feeling proud of my comeback. 

We all spend a few hours drinking and laughing about past memories until we decide that it's time to depart. I say goodbye to all the guys, giving them all hugs and thanking them for a really good day. Before I leave, they all, one by one, hand me their phones telling me to type my number in. I do so, feeling very proud of my new friends. Bam drive us both back to Castle Bam so we can chill out for a bit.

"I had a really good time today, Bam." I say, walking into the house with him. "The Jackass guys, they're all so funny and great fun." 

"Aren't they just great? They seem to really like you as well." I smile, feeling proud that I've been accpeted into their life. We walk upstairs and I enter my room so I can update myself on the computer. "What do you write about then?" He asks, looming over my shoulder as it starts up.

"Oh the assignment? Just basically what it's like to be a skater. What it's like to life that lifestyle." He smiles and I open the document. "Have a read while I change." We exchange places and he sits to read through it. I throw off my shirt and trousers and grab Bam's shirt I used beforehand. I chuck it on and grab a pair of bed socks I brought from my house. When im done, I walk over to him and sit on his lap. He holds my back, rubbing it gently with his thumb, and continues to read.I watch his eyes scan the words and see him laugh occassionally, which makes me happy knowing at least someone found it funny. He points at the screen.

'You gonna add photos? One would look good here and here." I look at where he's pointing to and smile.

"I was hoping to use some of the photos I took of you while you were skating, but they're on Josh's camera." He leans back.

"Ill tell him to come over so we can add in those photos." He pulls out his phone and texts Josh, telling hin to come over soon so I can have the photos. "I brought my camera here too so I can take some photos of my own. Fancy doing some tomorrow?" He smiles and sends the message, placing his phone on the desk. I wrap my arms around him and we have a cuddle for a few minutes, just sitting with each other. I then jump off and sit up on the window ledge like I did a few nights ago.

"What are you doing, babe?" He walks to me and looks at me.

"I like to sit and look at the sky at night. It reminds me of home and family. It helps. Im alright though. Dont worry.' I put my hand on his face and smile at him. I climb down and decide that I will add some more to the assignment. Bam lays on the bed, talking to Dunn on the phone while I do. I finish another section after some time so I save it, shut down the computer and lay next to Bam.

"All finished Babe? My room? This bed's too lumpy for me." He stands so I follow him, switching off the light and shutting the door. Entering his room, We climb into bed, making sure the door is shut behind us. I snuggle myself into him as he wraps his arms around me. "Love you, babe." I freeze. He loves me?

"I love you too, sweet." I smile and he holds me tighter.

He loves me.

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