Chapter 12 - Goodnight.

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Its been nearly two months since I arrived in America. Within that time, Ive fallen in love with Bam, made new amazing friends, been hit by a car, and improved my skills with skating. Bam tells me that they're filming a new skit for Jackass so I get myself ready and wear a new shirt that Bam brought me. I hear my phone ringing so i pull it out of my pocket. Incoming call; Private Number. Meh.

Bam and I make our way to the set again and when we arrive, we're greeted by all the guys. I jump out the car and skip over to all the guys, giving out hugs to them all. I hear my phone ringing again. Incoming call; Private Number. I put my phone away. I sit with the guys, waiting for Jeff to come over to us. Out of nowhere, I feel a shock run through my arm.

"Fuck!" Its Steve-O with a tazer, now on the floor laughing his ass off.

"You dickhole!" I laugh and rub my arm. When he stands, He apologises, still laughing, as are most of the guys. Bam suddenly arrives on the scene, and jumps, kicking steve-o right in the face. I then fall off my chair because Im laughing so much.

"Oh my fucking god! You okay, down there?" I say to him. He stands, wobbling. I then climb back onto my chair, my arm still feeling numb.

"Welcome to the group!" Johnny says to me, grinning. Jeff turns up after some time so I watch them as they film. Its, again, amazingly funny. At one point, Im filmed secretly because I was being pranked. Steve-O is again going to shock me. Right in the leg.

"Ow! Im gonna kill you!" I jump off my chair and run into him, causing him to fall into a table. I fall on the floor laughing and the rest of the guys come over to see what's going on. I explain, and they all laugh at us both. When we finish filming, I remember I had lots of calls.

"Who is this?" I say, sitting away from the guys.

"Is this Jessica?" I stand up and walk further away. Johnny notices my departure so he prods Bam and points at me.

"She okay?" Bam looks at me, I look at him. He tilts his head. I point at my phone and shrug. He nods and turns around.

"Yeah, Im Jess. Who is this?" I start to feel a little annoyed.

"Hi Jess. Im sorry for all of the phone calls and such, but we've needed to speak to you about something day. My name is Alice, Im part of the local police station in Exeter." I start to listen in now. "Is there any way you can come back home from your assignment?"

"Depending on what for, but Im sure I can sort something."

"Well.." She pauses and sighs. "I dont know how else to tell you, sweetheart. But your mother and step father were involved in an accident." I freeze. "They were travelling up to Wales to visit family when the train spun off the tracks and.." Dont say it. Please, dont say it. "They died. Im so sorry for your loss." My heart starts to beat faster and faster, my head beginning to fill with a mass.

I drop my phone on the floor and fall to my knees, cupping my head in my arms. I hear the talking stop. Silence.

"NOOO!" i scream from the top of my lungs. Bam runs to me and cradles me in his arms.

"Babe, what's happened? Jess? Please, what's going on?" My head starts to pound, blocking out any sound. My heart feels like it's being ripped from my body. I start to wail, and scream 'No' over and over. Bam only holds me in his arms, rocking me back and forth. I hear him shhing me, but my own cries block it out. After some time, I calm down. Bam still rocking me in his arms. The guys all walk over to us and form what appears to be a sort of group hug, holding us both. Bam puts his arms under my legs and lifts me. I burry my face into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He puts me in the car and we drive away.

I spend the next few days in Bam's room, not coming out, not talking, not eating, not sleeping, just sitting or laying on his bed. I cried a couple of times, looked out of the window a lot. Bam leaves food for me by the bed often, but doesnt talk to me because he understands that I dont want to talk to anyone. After a few days, he decided that he needed to intervein. He knocks on the door.

"Babe..?" He enters quietly. I look over at him, my body completely drained. He holds out his hand. "You've got a visiter." I climb down from the window ledge and walk to him. "God, you're thin. You havent been eating. Shit." I flich and walk back a little. "Im not mad, babe. Come on." He smiles sweetly so I walk by him, holding his hand in mine. He opens the door and I find it hard to walk as my entire body is empty. As we reach the bottom of the staircase, I see my brother, Tom, emerge from the other room.

"Little sis." He says, his voice breaking a little. I run into him, holding him tightly.

"Im so glad to see you're okay. As soon as we were all told, I knew it would hit you hard. Im so sorry, Jess." He holds me tightly, stroking my head. The sudden realisation comes to my head that he is now an orphan, so I hold him tighter. His father died when he was an early teenager. 'You're not eating, Jess. You're incredibly thin and you look exhausted. Have you been sleeping?" I shake my head. "Well, come and have something to eat. We've made you some food." We? I look around and see the Jackass guys, Bam's family, and Bam's friends. "Each of us chipped in for this, so enjoy it, alright?" Tom says to me, pushing me into ths kitchen gently. I see an entire meal set out for me so I take a seat and start by taking little bites of food. I then start to basically throw it all down my throat, realising how hungry I was. When I finish, the guys stare at me, shocked.

"Now, while you were eating, we ran a bath for you." Dunn says. I stand and the guys start clearing up the table. Bam walks me up the stairs toward the bathroom, and allows me to enter on my own. I kiss his cheek and walk myself in. The bathroom is littered with candles and the bath is filled with petals and bubbles. I take off my clothes and dip my feet into it, lowering myself slowly. I take the opportunity to really let myself relax so I close my eyes and take a nap. When I wake, I see Bam sitting by on the side, stroking my hair.

"Hi baby." I say to him.

"God, I missed hearing your voice." He smiles, looking into my eyes. "You've been in here for a while so I thought Id check. When I found you asleep, I wanted to wait until you woke up." I smile and sit up, not caring about my partly exposed body. He then stands, holds open a towel and I climb out. He wraps it around my body and holds me, his head on my shoulder. We sway a little, and I enjoy the moment. I exit the beautifully decorated bathroom and head for his room. He's layed out a pair of my pj's. I smile and put them on. A baggy shirt and trousers. My favourite. I then see a note. "Love you" I smile and sit on the bed, putting on a pair of bed socks. I walk downstairs and see all the guys still here. I smile at them. They all smile back at me.

"Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." Dunn steps forward.

"It was your brother's idea." Tom walks up behind me and prods my shoulder.

"All better now, midget?" I laugh.

"Im not a midget! You're all nust very tall!" They laugh and start to talk again. "Ill be back in a minute." I walk into the living room and grab the guitar in the corner. I walk out to the skating area and see a few people on boards. I walk past them all and climb on the high ramp. I start to play a song called The Unforgiven by Metallica, remembering my love for them. The skaters, one by one, stop and listen. As I play, the guys inside all come out to listen with them. I continue to play, regardless of the crowd, and I notice a guy filming me with a hefty looking camera. It doesnt throw me off, though. When I finish, they all clap and cheer. The sun begins to set so I stand. They all quieten down.

"As some of you may know, I lost my parents recently. So in honour of their memory, I would like to have a minute of silence, if that's okay with you all." They all nod and bow their heads, the man still filming. As the seconds tick by, the memories fill my head. My mum's smile. My step dad's laugh. The happy times. When the minute is done, I look out at the sunset.

"Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Pops. I love you."

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