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Fight #5

(Hayley's POV)

This Lawrence Kyle guy seems to be a good buddy. We shared some stories for a while. We were just interupted by the life-wrecker named Jeremy.

"Oh?! You are engaged, aren't you?" does he care to the slightest bit?

"Yes I am, and so?" in a teasing accent.

"So why are you flirting with some guy not even better than me?!"

"Oh wow ! Do I need to thank you? For being a concerned soon-to-be-husband?"

"Of course.." he uttered without any feelings. It' s that hard to have another arguement with such kind of people.So I walked out...but again he grabbed my hand without any effort and pinned me to the wall and kissed me torridly.

But now, my spirit is with me so I managed to get away from his grasp.I slapped him HARD. One thing for sure! This will be the biggest news for this month : ENEMIES TURNED INTO LOVERS. Just thinking about it feels like hell! I want the earth to swallow me to save me from shame.

I ran as fast as I can and locked myself in the bathroom. I remember what my Mom told me...never lock yourself. But now, I wanna escape from the world even just for a second. And oh! How I miss my mother.

(Kyle's POV)

So he is Paris' fiance and Jennica's brother huh? Oh well..

(Jennica's POV)

She' s stronger this time huh?! Or maybe 'coz she' s not in the mood? I really hate that girl for my brother. I' m just being a caring and loving sibling.

(Hayley's POV)

After crying and crying and crying, I decided to get out. I thought I just stayed there for a few minutes but it seems liked I' ve been there gor hours 'coz its already 6 o'clock in the  noon.

I am going to fetch a cab when a girl suddenly bumped me and then looked at me from head to toe ! How dare she !!

This past few is really gettin' hard.

Then the rain poured down all of a sudden without any warnings, so I ran to a Icecream Parlor nearby.

I waited there ' till the rain stopped and when I' m about to go.

"Paris!" somebody just called me.

"Lawrence Kyle, right?" not that sure.

"Yeah ! The one and only!"

"Nice to meet you again but I' m in a hurry." I feel the urge to say that.. MAYBE?

"Want me to drive you home?"

"No need ! Thanks." I rejected the offer.

"You sure?"


When will these problems of mine would just disappear?

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