Chapter 8: Accepted

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I'm gonna skip a small amount of the last part in this chapter. And I decided a small portion of some parts in the episode.

Play the song at the top.

Narrator's pov. 6:00 AM.

In a dark, small room, sat a someone. On the chair, hands tied behind his back, looking down with his hair covering his eyes. He had scars on his back, his chest. He had fresh cuts on his legs, but healing slowly, face badly beaten and bruised, the smell of blood hung heavy and his pants were stained with blood as he was shirtless. It was quiet  the only sound was that of blood dripping from his mouth and hitting the floor. His body was motionless and limp as there were no signs of movement.
Levi, come to me.
A black hole formed under him as he fell, his bindings fell off his wrist while he fell slowly into a dark void. Flashes of his past were everywhere, then a light was at the end where Levi fell through and landed on a chair with no restraints. The place he was in was all white, surrounded him was black roses. Levi's black hair was covering his eyes, as he stared to the ground. His body had no scars, cuts or bruises, as if he was never tortured. Then a figure in a black robe with a Grimm mask tread towards Levi. The figure was a female and she had black thick Grimm like steam admiting from her entire body as her eyes glew blood red through her mask.

Mani: So, still think you could handle his pain?

Levi: Yes, but I think I'm getting bored of his games. I have made up my mind. "He said, cold and ghostly.

Mani: Hmmmm, and what is that?

Levi: I accept you. "He added, his voice having no emotions.

Mani: Really? Well, I can't tell.... can you look me in the eyes and say that?

Levi: I said. "He looks to Maniakku with a emotionless expression.  "I accept you!

Mani: I see. And is this what you want? You'll lose everything. You're memories, who you used to be. "Mani's face darkened. "Your friends. You'll lose that goodness in your hesrt, the goodness Yuri left for. Hmhmhmhm, well, whatever goodness was left.

Levi: Yes, I care for my friends, but the rest? Yuri? Those could die for all I care. "Maniakku grew a smirk.

Mani: So, you plan on letting your mother go? The only person who is always there for you? The one who's watching us right now?

Levi: To care one thing..... is to let go of another. After all, that's what she did when she left me. Taking care of a job when she could've stayed with me. She would've been here if she just gave me the sword, but we can't always get what we want.

Maniakku: Hunter will continue to get stronger, it's only a matter of time before he brings Beacon to it's knees and slaughter you're friends.

Levi: I won't let that happen. "His voice sounded dark, ghostly and emotionless.

Mani: Good, and you're best friend Akira, your sister Krystal and your friends at Beacon won't suffer your fate.

Levi: If anyone tries to take my family and friends from me....... will die by my hands. I'll slaughter anyone who DARES get in my way.

Mani: Are you sure you can live with this?

Levi: Yes.

Mani: So does this mean you'll finally, really accept me?

Levi: Of course. Cause it'd be foolish not to do so.

She looks to Levi and puts her hand on his chin to make him look at her. She pulls her mask over her head.

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