Chase Realises

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Chase’s POV

The ER was quiet and most of the patients who were admitted were easier to stabilise than normal, which was a good thing considering Blair was in no fit state to be attending. She kept insisting that she was fine and perfectly capable of work, but her eyes, they said something different. That was the one thing I had learnt about her. Her eyes said everything, they told the truth even when she was lying. They were usually strong and determined looks that she gave but after the events of the last twenty-four hours they seemed defeated and almost ashamed. I wanted to be able to make her forget about it all and help her believe it was going to get better, but it was so hard when she didn’t have any hope in it whatsoever. It killed me to see her like that and every time my eyes fell on the bruise marking her soft face, I wanted to kill the guy who had hit her first and started all of this.

Blair deserved better.

I couldn’t understand why she was always alone and determined to keep it that way. She was such a friendly person to talk to and get along with.

“Congratulations, you’ve successfully managed to put House in his foulest mood yet.” I turned around and saw Wilson enter the break room.

“I can’t help it if I’ve been temporarily reassigned to the ER.”

“Or to Doctor Lyons.” Wilson stared at me with a knowing expression. “You’re trying to break her, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re trying to figure her out, understand why she is like she is. Chase, she has secrets for a reason and I don’t think she’d appreciate you prying too much into them.” Wilson poured himself some coffee and sat opposite me,

“You know, don’t you?”

“About what?”

“Her past. Her time before here, what happened.” I was a little more than shocked when Wilson slowly nodded.

“She’s delicate and overworks her body here. She was my intern, one of the best, but one day she collapsed from exhaustion and I looked into her files and her family history to see if there were any medical conditions and well, it’s not hard to piece it all together.” Wilson sighed softly, almost sadly as he finished his story.

“I don’t understand why no one noticed it back then. All the evidence leads to the same thing.”

“I guess, Blair was good at throwing people off the scent. I mean, with the exception of you, me and Doctor Roberts everyone else here fears her just as much as they fear House.” I nodded slowly in agreement and leaned back in the chair. “May I ask, how did you find out about it all?”

“Pretty much the same way as you did. Things got rough in the ER last night and Blair took a punch or two. I forced to X-ray to check things over and found a medical history to be shocked by. After that, I confronted her about it and she opened up and told me the full story.”

“I never told her that I knew.” I looked at him, stunned. “I just kept an eye on her, a watchful eye to make sure she was okay. If she had wanted to tell me then she would have done.” Wilson explained slowly, nursing his cup of coffee in his hands.

I stared at the table. This was getting more and more confusing the longer I thought about it. Everyone wanted to look out for her, but I needed more than that. I needed to know that she would be alright and I didn’t trust anyone else to make things better for her. Not even her friend who she lived with. No one would ever be able to give Blair was she really deserved. A perfect life.

“Chase!” I snapped back to reality and looked at Wilson with a puzzled expression. “Penny for your thoughts? You seemed pretty deep into it then.”

Emergency Room RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now