To Be Different

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It was tiring the following weeks in the ER. The cold weather meant ice and ice meant icy roads and they meant car accidents and that led to panic here and ridiculous shifts if you were in charge of the whole thing. Even the on duty room was unable to provide me with a place to rest due with the interns that were double bunking in there due to their workloads too. It was becoming harder and harder to focus and as another patient was rushed in on a stretcher, just as I was about to go home, I sighed and rushed over to begin my job all over again. It had been like this now for the last four days and I was running on less than four hours sleep.

I stood in my office swaying slightly before I let myself fall into the comfy leather chair behind the desk. I sighed contently and leaned back, closing my eyes, hoping for just five minutes of sleep...

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” I mumbled, leaning forward to rest on the desk.

“I’ve got those...Blair, are you alright?” I looked up and saw Chase staring down at me with concern in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a headache.” I stood up and tried not to sway from exhaustion.

Bad thing to try and do when you’re standing next to another doctor.

“Are you sure that you’re okay Blair? You look really pale.”

“I’ll be alright in a bit, promise.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Then don’t, but I’m used to this.”

“Used to what?”

“Long nights, little sleep, it’s all part of my job.”

“Um, no, it’s not Blair. You should be resting if you’re tired.”

“I’m not tired! I’m fine.”

“You’re swaying Blair.”

I sighed and sat back down, closing my eyes again, waiting for him to continue and he did, but not with the matter he had intended to tell me about. “Why don’t you go home? You can sleep and I can cover everything here for the time being.” I shook my head. “Why not Blair? What’s keeping you here?”

“People. Patients.”

“There are plenty of us to help them. You need to get some rest before you end up a patient.” I gave in. I was too tired to argue with him after all of this, so I nodded and opened a drawer to pull out my car keys. “Whoa, no, no, no. You are not driving home. I will drive you.”

“There’s no need.”

“You’ll fall asleep at the wheel while you’re in this state. Now come on.” I groaned and staggered to my feet, grumbling as Chase took the car keys from me and supported me as he led me from the hospital. The cold night air hit me and I blinked repeatedly before closing my eyes again, dragging my feet along as Chase worked out which car I owned in the lot. I vaguely remember him asking me for directions but I was already being taken over by sleep. You know you’re in a bad state when someone else has to fasten your seatbelt and the sat nav has to guide them to where you live.

*Chase’s POV*

Blair was almost fast asleep as soon as she sat in the passenger seat. I sighed, unable to believe that she had gotten herself into such a state. For a doctor who was renowned for her strictness and routine ways she sure had her moments of stupidity. She sighed in her sleep and I glanced over at her, smiling softly as she curled up, snuggling into the back of the seat. I had to use the sat nav to find her home, which I was slightly unhappy with. I hate them systems, mainly because they often end up leading you into dead end streets and back alleys that should be closed off from the entire world.

Emergency Room RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now