Little Slips

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As soon as we got back inside the apartment, Emily raced to the bedroom to play with the new doll Rob had insisted on buying her, despite my protests that Christmas was only a few weeks away. Truthfully, I was relieved that she had a distraction to keep her busy whilst I talked to Rob about his sudden proposal in the mall.

“Look, Blair, I didn’t mean to spook you when I suggested you move into my bedroom, it’s just that…we have an unorthodox relationship and living arrangement as it is and I just felt like we were ready for this, considering you do stay in my room more and more these days.” Robert followed me into the kitchen where I deposited the bags of shopping for the time being before turning to face him.

“I know. It makes sense, it really does. It’s just that-“

“-you’re scared something might happen that splits us up.” It wasn’t a question. He stated it clearly as though he could read my mind.

“It’s one thing to explain me moving into your room to Emily, but then having to explain why we both have to move out…I couldn’t do that to her. Like you said, this is an unorthodox situation and there’s no way of predicting what’ll happen in the future.”

“Blair, I know this is hard for you, but I’m completely devoted to this relationship and to having a future with you and Emily. I wouldn’t have asked you to do this unless I was completely sure it what I really wanted to happen between us.” He stepped closer, taking my hands in his.

“I want us to do it too.” I confessed in a whisper, nervously shifting my gaze to meet his eyes. A smile spread across his face and he leaned down to sweetly kiss me before hugging me close to his chest. “You just need to be patient with me sometimes Rob, reassure me that I’m crazy for thinking otherwise. This whole good relationship thing is still kind of new to me, even though we’ve been together awhile.”

He stepped back and tilted my chin so that I was looking into his eyes again. “Blair, I would wait forever for you if that is what it took.”

I couldn’t hide the smile as it spread over my face and I also couldn’t ignore the fire in my stomach that burst to life at the intense expression deep within Robert’s eyes. I had to ignore it for now though; Emily was still awake and running wild in the bedroom and we had other more pressing matters to deal with, like;

“What do we tell Emily?”

“Emily, can you come out here please?” I poked my head around the bedroom door to see my daughter having a tea party with her toys. Her wide eyes met mine and she nodded, jumping to her feet and running between my legs into the hallway, new doll in hand.

Robert called her over to the sofa and lifted her onto his knee whilst I slowly moved to take the seat next to him. He looked at me as if to check one last time that this was absolutely what I wanted and what we were going to do. Once I gave him a soft, confident smile, he began.

“Emily, me and your mommy have been talking and, well, how would you like your own bedroom?” He asked her, her little eyes lighting up.

“We can paint it whatever colour you want and buy you a nice big girl’s bed and move all your toys into a new toy box.” I added, leaning closer to my boyfriend and daughter.

“I like that.” She said quietly, hugging her dolly closer.

“Okay, then after Christmas is over we’ll start decorating the bedroom for you.” Robert smiled, ruffling her soft blonde hair.

“What ‘bout mommy?” She asked, turning to look at me.

“Well, seeing as how you’re a big girl now, I thought you deserved to have your own bedroom again, like you did at Uncle Mike’s, remember?” She nodded, her eyes still looking at me with puzzlement. “So, I’m going to share a bedroom with Robert from now on.”

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