Getting over it

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Author POV

It's been 2weeks since the winter dance incident. Amethyst was going to therapy everyday and Katsuki was always supporting her through it. Kirishima was kicked out of UA and is now in a psycho ward and will be there for 10 years. Today is the day the class goes Christmas caroling and Amethyst, Mina, and Uraraka are in her room talking.

Amethyst POV
"I don't know if I wanna go caroling today guys. I'm not comfortable in the costume," I state with a sad face. "So we can't change your mind?" Mina asked with a pleading look. I shook my head and they looked at each other and left. About ten minuets later Katsuki walked in. "Hey babe are you alright you look down?" He asked concerned. "Yea I'm fine. Hey are you going caroling with the class?" I ask him. He shook his head and said he didn't want to go. "Since we aren't going you want to go on a date. I mean we haven't went on a official first date yet." He asked playing with my hair. "Yea it would be fun to get out the dorms just the two of us." I tell him watching whatever was on tv. "Cool so be ready at 7:30." He said getting up and leaving.

Katsuki POV

Man I'm gonna show Amethyst such a fucking good time she won't know what hit her. She deserves to be happy for once since the incident with shitty hair, she hasn't been the same. She won't go out unless it's for school or therapy and she is always sad and having nightmares. I'm going to kill him for doing this to her. But putting my anger aside I get everything ready for our date. Right now it's 6:30 so I get in the shower and put on a black shirt under a denim button up and black pants and shoes.

Outfit^^And I walk down to Amethysts room

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And I walk down to Amethysts room. When I get there I knock on the door and I hear shuffling before she opens the door. She I wearing a huge sweater that looks cute on her and leggings. "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods her head and we leave.
"Where are we going?" She asked tilting her head. "It's a surprise," I say with a smile as we walk off the train. We get to the place at 8:00 and when she walked in her eyes light up cause I brought her to her favorite place in the world. A karaoke bar. She turns to me and hugs me tight and kisses me on the cheek. I blush a little and we walk in. Once we sit down we order something to eat. I get spicy curry and Amethyst gets shrimp scampi. When are order was placed in I got up and went to go sing. "This one of for my lovely girlfriend Amethyst. I love you," after I say my little speech I start to sing.

When I'm finished everyone starts to clap and cheer I get of the stage and walk over to Amethyst. "That was beautiful, but I want to sing a song too," she said as she is getting up. "I'm going to sing my feeling about something that happened to me recently. I hope you enjoy," then she started singing.

When she finished she got a standing ovation. She got off the stage and looked at me. "I want to go caroling with the class Katsuki," she said with a smile. I smiled back and we went back to the dorms just in time because they were getting ready to leave.
Once we got to the first house and Raccoon eyes rang the door bell and once it opened we all started to sing

When we finished the people in the house clapped their hands and thanked us and we moved on. It was like this for about a hour till we all went home. "I'm exhausted," Raccoon eyes said while flopping on the couch "Yea I'm beat," round face said with her head in the fridge. "I had fun," Amethyst said snuggling up with me. "It was alright," I said looking the other way. But everyone knew I enjoyed myself. "Hey Amethyst since it's Christmas Eve you wouldn't mind singing holy night again would you?" Denki asked with a smile. Everyone started to beg her until she said yes and started to sing.

When she finished we all clapped and cheered for her. She blushed a little and said thank you to everyone. We all continued to talk until the clock hit 12:00 then we all went to sleep. This is the best Christmas ever

Song in my heart (katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now