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After gathering his meager belongings in his backpack out of May's room, Peter followed his talking wristband's directions through New York, before finally reaching the streets of Manhattan. The Avengers Tower, a sprawling high-rise that shimmered in the sunlight, finally came into view.

Just beneath the intimidating tower, Peter spotted a series of massive buildings, including an oversized clock tower, with the trademark Stark Industries "S" emblazoned on the side. Without a doubt, it was Stark Academy, the world's most illustrious educational program.

"Turn left. Your destination is three blocks down from this street." Karen spoke, blinking as a green smiley-face on Peter's wrist.

"Thanks, Karen." Peter adjusted the hood over his head, keeping his eyes down from the city inhabitants. "Uh... Karen, I've got a question."

"Yes, Peter?"

"So like... You wouldn't explode on me for no reason, right? This isn't like some elaborate sadomasochistic game that Mr. Stark likes to play with his victims?"

"No, Peter. You are in no danger."

"Good! Good..."

Peter tapped his fingers repeatedly against his side as he stopped for a red light, alongside dozens of his fellow New Yorkers. He bounced up and down impatiently, biting the side of his cheek.

"Peter, I'm sensing an elevated heart rate and multiple signs of stress. Are you in danger?"

Several people eyed Peter's talking wristband, giving the teen an awkward glance.

"What?! No! No, I'm fine. Totally fine." Peter whispered, covering his wrist up and shoving it into the front pocket of his hoodie.

"All scans report that you are not fine. Your heart rate continues to climb. Should I request an ambulance?" Karen asked.

"No!" Peter yelled, watching as people around him began to saunter away from him, deciding to take a separate path. Before long, he was by himself, sighing as he rubbed his forehead, massaging a new headache. "I'm just... I'm just going through a lot right now, Karen. A lot to process. So yeah, I'm a little stressed out."

The streetlights changed colors, and Peter continued along his path. He brought his wrist up, meeting Karen's now grey emoji-eyes blinking on his band with question marks dancing above her head. "Anyone would be stressed out. I mean... I robbed a bank last night and got in a fight with Iron Man. I've worked for FISK for the last six months, doing stuff I knew was wrong. Aunt May's not getting any better, her hospital bill keeps going up, the Avengers apparently hate my guts, and oh, did I mention I have a freaking bomb strapped to my wrist!?" He yelled, watching as the emoji changed on his band to a pair of sad, crying eyes and full pout.

Several spectators beside Peter chose to run far away from the hooded teenager. A few screamed in reaction, pointing to his wrist.

Peter sighed, stopping momentarily to bang his head repeatedly against a light post.

"Based on your words and my system scans, I have concluded a medical diagnosis of Anxiety and potential signs of Depression. I recommend we schedule a daily therapy session, and work with local medical teams to prescribe you a long-term prescription. I might also suggest a change to your diet and exercise, to help improve endorphin levels throughout your body. Would you like me to schedule this?"

Peter crossed several more blocks, staring at Karen, mouth ajar. Before he could answer her, he was outside the black metal gate of Stark Academy. Where two armed guards in body armor stood at the entrance, holding what appeared to be some kind of stun batons.

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