1.1 - The Void and the First Four Vai'ad

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First there was only the Endless Void: vast, dark, and empty. There was nothing of substance there, save for stretches of frigid cold and blackness interrupted by small pockets of warmth, like whiffs of steam rising from a kettle in the chill night air. There were also scattered fragments of rock and metal and other material floating aimlessly through the darkness, as specs of dust might drift in a lake. But neither light nor sound nor the caress of the wind penetrated the blackness. There was only the Endless Void for countless eons.

Then, out of the emptiness arose Aeth'Ún, the first Vaia. He was not a man or recognizable creature, nor did he take on any form. Aeth'Ún was formless, a force of the emptiness from which he sprang, shapeless yet prevailing.

Aeth'Ún could feel everything in the Void because the Void was part of him. He roamed the blackness searching for others like him, but found none. All he found were alternating pockets of cold and warmth. They seemed to occur at random, and their chaotic nature perturbed Aeth'Ún. He found that he could move these pockets at will, and he wanted to bring structure to the Void, for he loathed the unpredictability of this place into which he was born.

So, Aeth'Ún began gathering the larger areas of cold and blackness. As he gathered more and more of the blackness, an icy mist formed in the center of that space. The mist grew and expanded slowly at first, and then more rapidly.

Suddenly, in the very center of the mist, as if from the depths of the blackness itself, Aeth'Ún saw a strange sight: a dim, bluish glow. Faintly at first, the mist pulsated with an eerie rhythm. The light brightened and swirled round itself as a maelstrom, growing larger until Aeth'Ún was confronted with a new being, glowing and dark and cold.

"What force brought me here?" the being asked.

"I summoned you here, though I did not create you. I am Aeth'Ún of the Endless Void, formless and pervasive," he responded.

"I thank you, Aeth'Ún. I am Órúma of the Frozen Darkness, formless as you, but changing," she said. And it was true. For Órúma was not empty as Aeth'Ún was, nor was she hardened. She flowed as water and could envelop other objects, drowning them in her icy essence.

"Perhaps there are other beings that may be summoned here," Aeth'Ún pondered.

Excited by the appearance of Órúma, Aeth'Ún gathered the smaller pockets of warmth into one space. When the warmer pockets were brought together, they steamed and hissed. Then, the steam burned hotter and brighter and exploded into a radiant fury of red and yellow and orange light.

In its rage, the yellow-orange light bellowed out, "Who dares bring me to this place of cold and darkness?"

"I am Aeth'Ún, the Formless and Endless, and I summoned you here, though I did not create you," Aeth'Ún said.

"I am Hairek, born of heat, and I will spread my light across this barren space!" Then, Hairek saw Órúma and reached out to her. "How did such beauty come out of this wretched darkness?"

Órúma avoided Hairek's burning touch. "I am of this Void, dear Hairek, but my powers have advanced beyond the simple formlessness from which I sprang," she said. And Órúma formed a long, thin blade like a finger, and in one swift motion sliced at Hairek. As the icy blade cut through the burning light of Hairek's form, a small piece of him froze and broke off.

Hairek howled and laughed wildly. "Your power is immense, but my power is greater. I will consume you and destroy this place!" He lunged towards Órúma, but Aeth'Ún moved between them, forcing the two apart with his unseen touch.

"That is quite enough," Aeth'Ún yelled. "I would not have us destroy each other when we have only just brought order to this Void."

Hairek then retreated further away as steam rose from the place where Órúma had cut him. "Order," he hissed. "The only order here is the darkness itself..."

Órúma chuckled as she watched Hairek float in the Void. "I did not harm him too badly, Aeth'Ún," she replied.

The small piece of Hairek appeared clear like ice, but at its center two light forms danced: one orange and bright and the other a subtle blue glow. The two opposing lights swirled around each other, never melding, until they both grew and pushed against each other. Then, the piece shattered into a thousand shards like glass, and both of the lights were snuffed out.

All three Vai'ad were silent until Aeth'Ún said, "We must remember that our forces are equal and opposite of each other. One may not be able to destroy the other, but two opposed could both be extinguished."

"Hairek's power is opposite to mine, but what power is opposite to yours, Aeth'Ún?" Órúma noted.

"We shall find out," Aeth'Ún replied, ever curious. And so Aeth'Ún continued his ordering of the Void, manipulating the thousand-thousand scattered particles like dust together. The particles floated aimlessly around each other, unchanged until Aeth'Ún pushed them together. He tediously ensured that like particles touched. Basking in each other's auras, the particles formed into distinct materials: stone, iron, gold, copper, silver, and gems of all colors. Then, slowly at first, the fragments quivered and trembled, and then rattled violently. The thousand-thousand pieces spun around each other until, all at once, they were fused into one shapeless mass.

The mass contorted and shifted around itself and then laughed joyfully. "I am Gó'Dan, the mighty form. Who summoned me here?" she asked.

"Gó'Dan, I am Aeth'Ún the Formless, and I brought your thousand-thousand fragments together. But I did not create you—you arose, like the rest of us, from the joining of your essence," the Formless One said.

Gó'Dan stretched and bent her form until settling on a balanced shape.

"With your powerful build, it seems that you are my equal and opposite, Gó'Dan," Aeth'Ún pointed out.

"What are we to do now in this vast emptiness?" Órúma asked.

"First, we must agree to never use our forces against each other. I fear that would be the end of all of us," Aeth'Ún said. Órúma and Gó'Dan agreed readily, but Hairek said nothing. Aeth'Ún continued. "I will use my boundless power to bring order to the Void, and perhaps discover more of its treasures."

"I cannot get lost in this place," Gó'Dan said, fearing the emptiness around her. "I will remain to provide direction to you as you explore, and build more forms of the materials you find."

"This Void is a dark, desolate place," Hairek growled. "I will spread my light and warmth throughout to guide us."

"Although I am of the darkness, I will accompany Gó'Dan in case other forces remain hidden here," Órúma said.

Thus, the First Four Vai'ad emerged, each with their gifts: Aeth'Ún the formless seeker of knowledge; Órúma the piercing darkness; Hairek the burning light; and Gó'Dan the mighty form.



Aeth'Ún :One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Formless. (pron. athe-OON)

Endless Void: A space of cold and darkness without end.

Gó'Dan: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Mighty Form. (pron. go-DAHN)

Hairek: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Burning Light. (pron. HI-rek)

Órúma: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Frozen Darkness. (pron. oh-ROO-ma) 

Vaia / Vai'ad (pl.): Spirit, one of many beings said to control the forces of the world. (pron. VI-a / vi-AHD)

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