1.4 - Gó'Dan's Form and Aeth'Ún's Formlessness

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The First Four Vai'ad continued their search for knowledge of the Void, but to no avail

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The First Four Vai'ad continued their search for knowledge of the Void, but to no avail. Aeth'Ún was frequently absent, trying to sense any other forms and visiting with the Fin'Vai'ad, and Órúma disappeared often into the cold and black corners of the Void.

Hairek still desired to be near Órúma's icy aura, but upon seeing Gó'Dan's fury, the Unending Flame resumed his position, allowing the Vaia of the Mighty Form to circle him. He knew that he could not abandon Gó'Dan again to pursue Órúma, but his Fin'Vai'ad were spread as far across the Void as he could reach in every direction. And they all hungered for Órúma's power.

Gó'Dan made her arcing circuit around Hairek, content that she no longer had to fear the cold or the dark. Before too long, however, her surface became too hot, so brightly did Hairek burn. Even as she moved further away, Hairek's radiance was overwhelming, and he only seemed to grow in power.

"Hairek, your heat is far too great, but I do not wish to move any further from you, as I still desire your warmth and light," said Gó'Dan. "Is there no way to stem your burning power?"

Hairek, still wary of the Vaia's strength, said only, "I will not temper my powers just to augment yours."

Aeth'Ún returned then, for he seemed to manifest out of the emptiness at will. "Hairek, do not be so prideful," Aeth'Ún chided. "None of us wish to restrain you." This predicament offered him a chance to be closer to Gó'Dan, whose form and power he admired. "I can envelop you in my empty form, Gó'Dan, to help protect you from the Unending Flame without hindering his heat or light."

"What about your search for knowledge, Aeth'Ún? How will you discover the mysteries of the Void if you are bound to me?" Gó'Dan knew that Aeth'Ún desired knowledge above all else, and the Boundless Wanderer had explored only a small portion of the seemingly endless Void.

But Aeth'Ún admired and loved Gó'Dan for her solid, stable form, and he replied, "I would rather see you warm and safe than learn every secret this Void has to offer. Perhaps now I may uncover your secrets instead."

Gó'Dan flushed, but happily accepted Aeth'Ún's gracious offer. And so he enveloped Gó'Dan completely, so that every part of her surface was protected from Hairek's heat, without leaving her cold and dark. Aeth'Ún ever since has embraced Gó'Dan's surface with his protective power, the Blanketing Sky.


Aeth'Ún :One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Formless; the Boundless Wanderer; the Blanketing Sky. (pron. athe-OON)

Asartae: A small orb of light created by Hairek and commanded to guide him through the darkness; the second Fin'Vai'ad. (pron. a-SAR-tay)

Endless Void: A space of cold and darkness without end.

Faerna: A small orb of light created by Hairek and commanded to guide him through the dakrness. (pron. FARE-na)

Fin'Vaia / Fin'Vai'ad (pl.): Child of the Vaia, or Children of the Vai'ad; beings created by one of the First Four Vai'ad for a distinct purpose. (pron. fin-VI-a / fin-vi-AHD)

First Four: Referring to the First Four Vai'ad--Aeth'Ún, Gó'Dan, Hairek, and Órúma--the four most powerful beings in the Void.

Gó'Dan: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Mighty Form. (pron. go-DAHN)

Hairek: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Burning Light; the Unending Flame. (pron. HI-rek)

Órúma: One of the First Four Vai'ad; the Frozen Darkness. (pron. oh-ROO-ma)

Tanaj: A small orb of light created by Hairek and commanded to guide him through the darkness; the Beacon; the first Fin'Vaia. (pron. tah-NAJ)

Vaia / Vai'ad (pl.): Spirit, one of many beings said to control the forces of the world. (pron. VI-a / vi-AHD)ry.

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