Chapter Nine

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"'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
My way to you"

"Okay, Lucas and the others could be anywhere," Bloodrayne said. "You and Nate, check the front buildings, Shaun and I will check the west buildings, and Caden and Max will check the East buildings."

"Alright, off we go, and don't forget, Skulls could be anywhere, so be ready!" Max shouted.

"Yeah Max, we know." I sighed as I took out my pistol.

"Let's do this," Nate whispered, walking down the hall. All of the windows had already been smashed, so there were shards of glass scattered around the floor. Most of the area had either been taken back by nature or demolished. The glass shards crunching beneath our feet and our breaths were the only things we heard, as the entire place was dead silent. Despite it being in the middle of winter, it felt way colder than that, as I had to wear a sweater and jacket under my gear and vest.

The wind softly blew around the building, as the rain descended from the sky and splashing on the roof. It was getting rather cold as we shuffled through the hall, checking each room for my brother and the others. The radio I had on my belt was silently playing static, so I decided to pick it up, ready to call them. I had the radio in one hand, the Glock in the other.

"Hey, Liam?" Nate whispered, holstering his rifle. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah," I softly smiled, "I know. I love you too."

He smiled and then sighed, looking down. "Well, I'd stay here for long, but we have to go."

"Oh yeah, I guess so."

I heard Bloodrayne from the radio: "Ok, so I found Nick, Lucas and the others. Meet at the Science Building."

"Ok, we're on our way there," I said into the radio. "Well, guess they found them."

"Yes I know, I heard her from like the other side the fucking room," Nate yelled, putting his hands in his pockets. "By the way, it's kind of getting cold in here, mind if I wear your sweater?"

"Yeah, sure," I say while untying my grey Reebok sweater and throwing it at him. "By the way, it's like -30 outside, how are you not freezing?"

"Hey, don't judge me!" Nate rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He put the sweater on, smiling softly. "Nice smell," he said.

"We could stay here, but I'd like to see my brother. Come on," I smiled. We began a soft jog through the halls, our feet crunching of the glass beneath us.

I kicked the doors open, looking at the field in front of us. It was overgrown, with some burnt patches. Trees were rooted of the grounds, as some of the infected looked at us.

It pointed at me, then moved its arm in the direction of the Science Wing. We started to run, sweat dripping from my forehead.

By the time we got to the building, we saw Lucas, Nick, and Frisk in blankets, with dried blood on their faces. Lucas was shaking like hell, but he still had a smile on his face. He was talking to Bloodrayne and Nick, them all laughing like before.

"Lucas?" I ran over to him, hugging him tightly. "Don't ever go missing again, promise?"

He chuckled. "I'll try." He waved at Nate. "Hey dude, long time, no see."

He did one of those weird ass handshakes with Nate, with that confusing hand motions.

"Go back to the colony? I already called in another jeep." Bloodrayne said. "I'm pretty sure they're hungry as hell."

Nick laughed. "You know it."

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