Chapter 20

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Over the next few days Alison's strength started coming back to her. Kira didn't need to help her get dressed, and she was able to get up and move around her house without falling. She even managed to take a whole shower without collapsing.

She was honestly looking forward to going back to school and getting out of the house. She was starting to go stir crazy with Alice just aimlessly wandering around the house.

However, just as Kira had said, Sapphire eventually showed up at their doorstep, looking to talk to Alice.

Alison just blinked at the dragon who stared back, waiting for permission to enter the domicile. "Kira!" The wolf called, not taking her eyes off the dragon who very recently tried to eat her.

Kira leaned in from the kitchen. "Oh! Good morning Sapphire. You're looking a lot better." The vampire smiled softly as she made her way over.

"Amy takes good care of me." The dragon confessed. "I'm still sorry for everything that happened. Alice never really wanted any of this to happen."

"What?" Alison raised an eyebrow.

"She might not have actually admitted it, but I think she really just wanted to get away from her dad and ruin his plans. Otherwise, I really don't understand why she failed so often." Sapphire explained. "She has the power to cripple someone just by looking at them, but she's never used that power on Kira."

"Actually... You make a good point." Kira noted.

"I mean, if Zoe's not in your body then she doesn't have a soul for you to attack, but even still." Sapphire shrugged. "Anyways, do you mind if I see her?"

"Oh! Right. Of course." Alison moved to the side, and motioned for the dragon to come into the house. Kira pointed to the living room, where Alice was once again sitting on the couch and brooding.

Sapphire walked right up to her and stood in front of her, looking down at her. Alison and Kira moved so they were standing behind the couch, watching the two of them.

Alice glanced up at the dragon before looking back down at her feet, clearly not amused by the appearance of her used-to-be servant.

"You're not going to say anything? Not a crude remark or an insult?" Sapphire asked.

"No." The vampire answered.

Sapphire sighed and squatted down so she was at eye level with the vampire. "You never really tortured me. Do you remember that? You always threatened me and pinned me, and bit me. But you never really went out of our way to make me suffer." The dragon started. "Which is why I don't think you ever wanted this. I don't think you were ever really evil."

"You don't know me." Alice growled, her bored expression becoming a dangerous glare.

"I do know you. And I know things you don't think I know. Shiva told me a lot of things."

"Don't talk about her!" Alice growled, leaning forward and baring her fangs as if preparing to attack.

"She helped me see all the holes in everything you did. You always talked about how you were gonna kill Kira and Alison, but you never really tried to actually win. Sure, you'd fight them, but I knew your heart was never really in it. You never really wanted to fight them."

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want you to realize that you finally have a chance to do what you want." Sapphire explained. "These guys aren't going to keep you prisoner anymore. They're not holding you here. They're waiting for you to decide what you want to do with your life. Do you want to go back to serving your father? Or do you want to help them stop him from hurting anyone else?"

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