♪#10: Healing

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Beta-ed by Alitheia13

Thank you...


A certain light pink-haired teen walk out of the school ground but halted on his step when he heard some voices calling him from behind. Iori, Tamaki and Nagi run to catch up to him. Tenn looked at them and raised his eyebrow. Silently asking. 

 "Tenten, do you know why did Rikkun didn't come to school today?" Tamaki quickly asked while his two companions still trying to catch their breath. 

 Tenn irked slightly. "How many times did I say not to call me that?" He sighed as he repositioning his bag. "He's being hospitalize and I'm on the way to visit him." 

 "Hospitalize you said? What happened?" Iori asked. 

 Tenn looked at him and then at the two others. He turn and start walking as they followed him. "I don't exactly know what happened but a person named Inumaru Touma found Riku unconscious and bleeding in the living room at his home."

 "Oh no... Bleeding must be hurt. I hope Riku is fine..."  

 "Huh?! Bleeding? Do you know the culprit, Tenten? I'll hurt them really badly for hurting Rikkun!" 

 "Violence aren't the best way—"

 Iori's sentence were cutted off when Tenn suddenly stop walking and emitting a dark aura around him. 

 "I-I'm sure that they'll be dead by now if Kujou-san already know the culprit..." Iori quickly change his sentence while Nagi and Tamaki nodded their head, sweating slightly by the devil sudden appearance.

 They start walking again with silence accompanying their journey. 

 "Don't you think it's a bit suspicious?" Tenn suddenly said. "It doesn't look like Riku is in a good condition..."

The other three look at each other and tried to remember the redhead appearance.

 "Yeah... it is... He's hair are long... as long as mine." Tamaki said while pulling his hair down indicating he has a long hair. 

 "Oh, Tamaki, isn't that hurt to pull your hair like that?" Nagi asked. 


 Tenn noticed the lack of sound from Iori and narrowed his eyes. "Izumi Iori...?"


 Truthfully, Iori was as confuse as the others too. He doesn't know much about the redhead yet why did he so interested in him? Is it because the teen walk around in the sea of mysteries or the smile that the redhead showed him yesterday? The smile full with sadness yet so reassuring. 

 Tenn turn to him after hearing his stutter. He wanted to ask the ravenette about his unusual behaviour but an announcement of their arrival at the destination from Nagi, cutted off his intention to do so. And Iori thanked Nagi silently in his heart for that. 

 They walk straight to the upper floor without asking the nurse about Riku's room since Tenn have already knows. The rest only following Tenn closely from behind while sightseeing of the hospital wall that all of them nearly covered by health poster and tips. 

 ... 105... 106... 107

 Tenn stopped abruptly, making the three teens nearly collide with him but unfortunately, they collide with each other instead. Iori glared at Tenn who was just smirking at their misfortune. 

 Riku who is enjoying himself reading the book that his brother have brought for him this morning, statled by the knocking sound from the other side of the door. He relaxed slightly when he sees his brother and his friends come into the room as he bookmark the page before placing it on the bedside table. 

 As soon as they sees Riku, Tamaki and Nagi quickly stand both at his sides. 

 "Rikkun! You're hurt! Who's the one that hurting you like this? I'll be gladly end him for you!" 

 "Oh, Riku... Seeing you like this, break my heart... No worries, we'll be here to help you through thick and thin!"

 Riku frozed by their words. It's so rare to have people said like that to him. Occasionally would always be the doctors, nurses and his Tenn-nii. Never someone else. Hearing it for the first time by the complete new people making him feels uncomfortable. 

 He wasn't used to this kind of encouraging words that more different as to what the doctors and nurses told him. And it was far from how Tenn gently reminds him of his own health. It was something new and horrifying for Riku yet, so warm. 

 In other words, he's in dilemma of how to react towards those two's words... Should he keep quiet? Should he nod? Should he smile? ah wait, maybe he should. And so, he smiled at them to reassured them that he's fine and no need to worried about him. 


 Iori shot up his hand to his mouth quickly when the other occupations turned to him. 'Stupid me and my loving of cute things...! You nearly ruin your life, idiot...!' Iori thought as he look away to the window. 

 Tenn approach Riku and ruffle his hair. "How are you doing, Riku?" 

 Iori turn away from the window in order to see how Riku reply to his brother's question. And as what he thought, a familiar pen and notebook come into the view, getting a frown from Tenn and two sad looks from Tamaki and Nagi. 

 'I'm doing fine, Tenn-nii.' 

 "That's good. I don't want you to sit on the hospital bed any longer." Tenn said. 

 Riku tilted his head, silently asking the reason. 

 "It's just.... scares me a bit..." Tenn replied as he flash a small sad smile to Riku.

 Riku slowly nodded his head. He doesn't understand what it means but he won't pried any further. 


 Touma was bored. He's so bored that he could die with the boredom. This is the payment for him ditching the school. All of his friends were out to their own schools. He sometimes wondered why don't the four of them studied at the same school instead of different schools... 

 Really... with his friends... nothing would make sense.... 

 And so, he planned to go visit his childhood friend at the hospital for the second attempt on that day. He prayed in his heart to let him and Riku meet with each other... After all, he still have a promise that Riku need to fulfil to him... 

 Preparing himself, he knock on the door. Hearing nothing from the other side, Touma took it as a sign to enter the room only to be greeted with three different faces, an emotionless look from the older brother and the last... a surprise look on the redhead. 

 'Good. So he still remember me.'

 Touma look at Tenn. Silently asking for his permission to talk with Riku. Tenn understood and move farther from the bed to give the brunette some space to talk with Riku. Touma raised an eyebrow when they didn't go out but shook them off anyway. Well, he'll just pretend them, never exist and ignoring the burning holes that Tenn and the other three gave him, watching every move he made. 

 He looks straight at Riku's widened eyes—eye, the other was covered by the bandages. 

 "Long time no see, Riku."

 Riku opened his mouth yet, no words able to comes out. Tears of many drops fall as he smiled at the brunette. 

Touma doesn't get any reply from Riku that day but seeing Riku is still remembered him and smiled at him like he used to do, enough to make the brunette's day of ditching the school and nearly die in boredom paid off.


In rush...

Do comment!! Even though I maybe reply you later than usual...

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