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'You ready to go?' Pidge asked, eyeing the waterbender.

'Yep,' He responded, swinging his pack onto his back, 'Can't wait.'

All three of them walked out of the water tribe's village and towards the horizon. Hunk was saying it would take them at least a week to get there on foot. Throwing jokes and comments to each other, the week went by rapidly. They paced for a couple more days and arrived to their long-awaited destination.


Lance stood before the huge festival in awe. His eyes widened while Hunk and Pidge quietly observed, smiling. They waltzed into the vibrant square and passed many stalls. Lance was very overwhelmed but he didn't hate it, in fact he was living to the best extent yet. There were yelling men selling their products, there were dancers, there were umpired fights between benders. It was truly an amazing spectacle that caught attention of anyone and everyone.

Lance was quickly shifting from stall to stall, investigating possible presents for his family back home. He finally had bought a couple of things before he found Hunk and Pidge fighting another duo. It seemed to be a very close fight, Hunk and Pidge were fighting their hardest, pulling out all the tricks. They were battling against two men; one very broad and tall with a scar across his nose, the other was tan with brown hair and red glasses. The taller one was an airbender, whereas the other was a firebender. The duo was very in tune to each other, they used combination attacks; using the air to expand the reach of fire and also went solo against certain attacks. It was a truly fascinating scene, the four battling off against each other. 

It ended with the two earthbenders losing. 'Man, they were hard.' Hunk said, sitting down onto a bench, puffed. Pidge joined him, 'Yeah, but they were older than us and they seem very well acquainted with each other, if you know what I mean.' She elbowed Hunk and all three laughed. Interrupting the three's joy were the previous winners, the man with the scar spoke first, 'That was one of the greatest fight I've had against earthbenders in a long time.' He stuck his hand out for a shake, Hunk and Pidge gracefully obliged, he continued, 'My name is Shiro and this is Adam,' he gestured towards his partner, 'we would love to treat you for giving us such a great fight.' 

Hunk and Pidge agreed and left Lance again. Now alone, Lance wandered through the whole market area, watched a couple of fights and found himself in front of an act about to start. He stood and waited. A boy, probably a bit older than Lance, strolled out and started tapping his foot. Then an ensemble of instruments started playing a fast-paced tune. The boy in front of Lance started dancing adding in a few firebending movements. He shot fire from his fists and his black hair bounced along the song. He was in complete rhythm.

He stopped as the music faded and the crowd clapped him, he shyly bowed. It carried on like this for the rest of the afternoon. People came and went but Lance stayed transfixed by the performer before his eyes. Once dusk rolled about, the performing group ended and packed up. Lance decided to say something to the talented dancer.

'You were very good,' he said, stepping next to the boy, 'I couldn't take my eyes off you.'

They boy timidly looked at him, showing Lance his beautiful violet eyes that softened as he said, 'Thank you.' A couple of his coworkers laughed and smiled at him. He stepped towards the group but Lance stopped him with a single statement, 'What's your name?' The escaping boy turned to see the waterbender and replied, 'Keith.' 

Lance smiled, 'Well, Keith it was great watching you and I hope I see more of you through this festival.' Keith blushed a little as his breathing quickened. 

'Ok.' He turned and trudged towards where Lance could not see. He fled and Lance stayed standing there before Hunk and Pidge collected him to go see the first bonfire of the festival. 

Lance told Hunk and Pidge all about the mysterious performer and how he was very skilled. Hunk and Pidge stayed listening, giving each other looks throughout the narrative of the peculiar boy that entranced Lance.

a/n this was a kind of long chapter, don't know if they're all gonna turn out like this but oh well. hope u enjoyed!

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