Adopted by TC? (Tc FF)

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Dublin's P.o.V

I hear the doorbell ring....I was still half asleep.. I stand up and brush my Strawberry blonde hair. I Put on a Enderman hoodie, And some Skinny black jeans. I hear Miss Franny blow her whistle and i run downstairs in my Black and Purple enderman Socks (I like endermans ok? Dont judge x3). I see a familiar face walk in front of all the girls. He gave every girl a smile, but When he got to me, He smiled with his teeth. I waved shyly and smiled back. He went to Mrs Franny and whispered the girl he wanted. "Oh! Dublin come here with your belongings!" She said while motioning me to go get my stuff. Wait, am i really getting adopted? I thought. I was stunned. I ran upstairs to get my stuff, but then i had a random flashback that came out of no were. It was my.....Mom?

~~FlashBack~~ (Im 4)

"Come downstairs NOW!" My mom screamed. I ran downstairs and said "Yes mommy?"  "I told u to clean up your mess!" "Im So-" I got cut off on my mom slapping me with the back of her hand. I started crying. She tripped me so i fell to the floor, and thats were i stayed for the night. My dad walks in the door and sees me on the floor. "What did u do this time?" He yelled as he threw his phone to the ground. He was yelling at Mommy. She put her hands behind her back like she was grabbing something. "Nothing, She didnt clean up her mess...But im going to clean up mine!" She screams as she points a gun at my daddy's face. "NOOO!" I scream. I get up and she shoots. I jumped in the way of my dad and i got shot in the stomach. I immediatly fall to the floor. I see tears rolling down my dads eyes. I hear the door slam and my mommy was gone. My dad picked up the phone he  threw and dialed 3 numbers i knew...9-1-1....But, All i see is white from that point onward. Dublin,Dublin! is all i heard...

~Back to Reality~

I shook my head to get the memory out of my head. "Dublin!" Miss Franny yells. I grabbed my suitcase and my phone and run down the stairs. The guy who adopted me opens the door. "After u" He says. Omg! Its SkyDoesMC! THE ADAM! My mouth dropped to the floor. I hug him. "Sky, your adopting? And its me!" I sqealed. "Yeah, U seemed just like the kid I, I mean 'We' want to adopt" Adam smiled. "We as in.." I thought for a moment and remembered "TEAM CRAFTED!" I said Sqeezing harder on the hug. He coughed like i was choking him so i let go. "Yup! Now lets go meet the fam!" I smiled and then looked back at all the girls. They were so sad. Especially Kara, She bullied me everyday. I stuck my tounge out at Kara and ran to the car. I sat down in the comfy car and just..Relaxed.. I cant believe it! Im getting adopted by my RoleModels!

Mitch's P.o.V

We heard that Adam found the right girl to adopt. Me and Jerome went out to buy her a phone and 3 laptops. Well, 2 flat screen computers and one laptop for the school were putting her in, With my sister, Mya. She attends that school too. Its not your ordinary school though. Its for recording, That how all of TeamCrafted became friends, That school is were it all began. Anyway, We got her an IPhone 6, (Its not out yet but its going to be in October x3) Clothes, and other things like shoes and crap like that. When we got home all from teamcrafted hid until they came..Until we heard a door creak open...

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN Suspense...But ot really we all know whut happens right? DO we? NOPE Not u...Well not me either and Im th- NEVERMIND! Ok, So we need 2 people in our story, A Mya and someone else. This is wat u need to be in the story


Name: Mya

Age: 15 Turning 16

Personality: Nice, Smart, Tall, Sweet, And Energetic

Looks: White Crop-Top, Flower Crown, Short- Shorts and Bunny Slippers (Idk deal with it)

Secret: (Ummm...GOT ONE!) Doesnt like talking about Mitch's And Her Past cause its to Tradgic (Sure, Thats how u spell Tradgic)

Ok! Please send some in! Goodbye my Bunnies <3 =^o^=

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