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"I need your help" I heard Jughead's voice as I looked up from my usual seat at the diner.

"Oh hey Minx, how are you doing today? Good? That's good" I said sarcastically, looking to jughead who sat across from me now.
He glared at me, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Yeah yeah what do you need?" I asked.

"Penny Peabody has got my dad dealing drugs, she made me do it and my dad found out and took my place" he said.

"And what's that got to do with me?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes before speaking
"Minx Penny is going to pollute the Southside, it's not just my dad anymore, he's bringing other Serpents into it, including Sweet Pea" he said.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing at his words.
I took a minute to think before speaking.
"We can't stop her together, we need the other Serpents. And I just so happen to know where they are" I said, setting some money on the table to pay for my food.


"Snake Charmer's helped some of us" Sweet Pea said, as Jughead tried to convince the younger Serpents help us take out Penny Peabody.

"At what price Sweet Pea? If we continue to let Penny pollute the Southside with drugs, eventually we'll all be her little lap dogs" I said, angry at Sweet Pea for even getting involved with the snake charmer.

"What we're asking is, are you willing to risk your necks to save my dads life?" Jughead asked, looking around at the young Serpents.

"What is the first law?" Toni's voice called out as she stood up from her seat.

I turned my head, looking at Sweet Pea.
"No Serpent stands alone" he said, before standing up.
"I'm in" he stated, going to put his arm around me before I shrugged him away.

"Me too" Toni said, as the rest of the young Serpents followed suit.

"Well lets go then" I said, walking over to my bike.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" Sweet Pea asked, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking away.

I looked down at his hand that was tightly gripping my arm.
I looked at him, my eyes sending a warning to let go of my arm, which he did.

"Why didn't you tell me you were helping Penny Peabody pollute Riverdale with drugs?" I asked, crossing my arms as I furrowed my brows angrily.

He scoffed.
"Is that seriously what this is about? FP asked me to help him so I did. I don't need to tell you everything I do you're not my boss" he said, his eyebrows furrowing in anger as he spoke to me.

"Screw you Sweet Pea" I said harshly, getting on my bike and driving to where Jughead and the others would bring Penny.


I watched as Toni ripped the hood off of Penny Peabody's head as we all stood around her.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around at the Serpents before her eyes landed on Jughead and I.
A smirk played at her lips.
"Oh I know what this is about, you don't want FP to turn out like your poor mommy" she said.

I glared at her before taking a step closer, kneeling down so I could face her.
"You're in Greendale, your new home"
I smirked before jughead spoke.

"quite frankly she doesn't seem to care where you set up shop" he said.

I nodded before looking back at Penny.
"But it's not going to be in Riverdale and it's not going to be with the Serpents. You want to deal drugs? You want to extort people? Then that's your business, but it's not going to be on the Southside" I said coldly.
"That belongs to us" I said before she began to laugh.

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