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Hey guys! I've had so many ideas about this book and I finally have the motivation and the time to finish it, however I do not want to follow Riverdale's full plot. I would like to stray away from it and create my own version of it. I do want to use some of the plot but I want to do it in my own way not following the original storyline. So if you all would like me to update I just want everyone to know I will be taking full control over this story and all ideas and future plot lines will not be following Riverdale's original storyline.

For example, I will be introducing new characters with their own backgrounds.
I will be creating plot lines that were not in the show.
Some characters and plot lines in the show will not be included in this story.

So if you are all willing to read what I have to offer, I would love to update very soon for you all :)
Let me know what you guys think


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