Letter 20-23

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Uh, what?
Love? Now I'm getting LOVE?! Holy shit, Kim, I'm quite surprised. I never knew that a soul like you could learn to love someone like me.
Haha, I'm kidding. It's just something to let someone know that you care about them. Thanks, Taehyung. I appreciate the "Love".
Hey, has it been snowing lately over there? It's snowing like crazy over here. The kids keep begging to go outside and play in the snow, but they don't have a proper gear. They have coats, but they don't have boots or hats or gloves. It's sad. One little girl was clinging onto Kairi's leg crying and begging to go outside. It was such a sad sight, really. I wish they were all able to go outside and play, but they'd probably freeze to death. And death is seriously something I don't want to deal with anymore.
Actually, it's snowing really hard as I'm writing this. Huge snowstorm. To think, it's only the beginning of December. Imagine what January would be like! Yikes! Well, at least that have heaters and a fireplace here. Nice and cozy, and especially warm in the kitchen.
Hoseok's come down with a cold. I hope that he won't give it to me, although I'm pretty immune to everything for some reason. I don't know why, I just never get sick. It's weird, but I'm glad. Since I'm the only one who won't catch a cold, I've been taking care of him. Chicken soup, cuddling, watching re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and all the Toy Story movies. He'll be healed in no time.
Oh, and he says hi again.
So how is it in the Kim household? Are the kids excited for Christmas? I swear it's been really hectic lately. Sometimes I have trouble finding my way with all the little kids running around. Cute, but annoying. I'm guessing it's the same with you?
Well, I don't have much to talk about.
Right, I took your idea into consideration. I notified Kairi about it, and she said she'll wait until I make a definite decision. I'm just... scared, I guess. Scared that my parents really didn't want me. Scared that I'm just a stupid mistake. I know it'll be helpful information... I guess... but I'm just not sure yet.
Ah, crap. The power just went out. This place doesn't have a generator, so we have to wait until the electric company fixes that. So now I'm just writing this letter under a candle.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I just can't stop staring at it. It's so small, but it burns very brightly that it can light up an entire room. It's amazing that something so small make a huge difference. Thing is, if anyone dares to touch it, it will hurt. It'll burn your flesh, and blister your skin, leaving a mark at its place.
Do you understand, Taehyung? The metaphor I just used? You should, since you're the more educated one.

Lots of LOVE,

Jungkook, December 3, 2016


Haha, yeah. I say "Lots of Love" a lot, especially to Yuna. Turns out she will be back for Christmas and the new year! I can't wait to see her again. And she'll absolutely love her gift. I guarantee!
Yeah, it's been snowing a lot here as well. Hayoon and Minseo are outside now building some deformed snowman. Jia's at her boyfriend's house, and Eunjin's having some hot cocoa with the maid. Yep, just another normal day in the Kim household. It's nothing out of the ordinary, really.
Don't be scared, Kookie. Worst comes to worst, your parents didn't want you. So what? They're fucking idiots for giving you away. And I'm sure that there are other people out there who want you as their son, they just don't know it yet. And if the result is worse than you thought, I'll be there to talk you through it. Just think positive, okay? All the negative thoughts will bring you down even further, and we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we? Especially with all the special days coming up.
Hm, maybe you can make a Christmas wish instead of a birthday wish, since your birthday already passed. If you still have the matches and candles, that is. I think it'll be a nice first-ever-blow-out-the-candle-wish.
Sometimes power outages are calming. Whenever the power goes out here, unless we really need it, we usually don't turn the generator on. It's a homey feeling when all you're doing is sitting alone by a candle. Gives you time to think, you know what I'm saying?
Well, I have to stop writing now, Hayoon pushed Minseo onto the snowman and she started crying. Better go take care of her.
Oh yeah. I do understand the metaphor. You're quite insightful, aren't you?

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