Letter 10-14

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You're starting to freak me out, Kim Taehyung. I thought you were done with all the surprises, but no. Now you actually decide to have some sympathy for my parents? Really?
I considered what you said. The reason why my parents gave me up. I still think it's because they didn't want me at all, but then again, I'll never know. And I know that there are ways to find them, but I really don't want to. I doubt they'll take me back anyway. If I were forced to go back to them, I don't think I'll be happy, considering that I know they gave me up in the first place.
And, um, sorry about your loneliness. I wouldn't know what it's like having a model girlfriend who's away all the time, so I can't really help you with that. Most of us orphans stick together, so we're never lonely. But trust me, I know what it feels like to have no one around you. I felt that way for a while, when I first came here. I wasn't friends with Jimin until I was 10, and up until then, I never really talked to anyone besides whoever was working at the front desk.
But why don't you try calling your friend Namjoon? He might not be available at all times, but I'm sure he'll find some time to talk to you. Now, I'm not completely sure, but I think Modeling job is hard. Yuna might not have a lot of time to talk to you. From what I know, you get up really early, have your makeup done and shit, get your outfit on, and take pictures. Lots and lots and lots of pictures. It must be tiring for those models who have to smile all the time. Their cheekbones must kill at the end of the day.
Well, once she gets home, I guess you can spend as much time with her and shag her all you want. Or are you not that kind of person? Haha, sorry.
Honestly, I wouldn't date a model. I don't really like models anyway. I've seen those fashion shows on TV, and maybe Yuna isn't like those models, but the models on the fashion shows are just too... perfect. I like a girl with flaws. And besides, those models in magazines are fake. It's all just eye makeup and photoshopped boobs. But you know why I hate those kinds of models? I know they don't mean to, but it makes girls feel worse about themselves.
One day I was walking down the street when I saw a girl selling magazines. She wasn't getting much business from what I could tell. But she was so skinny and pale, I swear, she had some kind of eating disorder. And flipping through all those Victoria's Secret magazines weren't helping. She broke down into tears, and kept heaving as if she wanted to throw up. I wanted to go over there and tell her that she's all perfect the way she is, but it's a helpless person helping another helpless person. You don't get much out of it. One opinion wasn't going to change everything. So I just kept on walking.
What's Yuna like? I was kinda wondering. What does she look like? Oh yeah, I forgot to ask what you look like! I try to remember these things, but I always seem to forget them once I pick up my pen to write them down. So yeah, what do you look like? Sorry if I seem like some kind of creeper, I'm just curious.
Well, guess that's it.

Until next time,

Jungkook, October 5, 2016


Oh hey,
I'm just your typical guy. Brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes. Nothing too fancy. I don't like my hair slicked back like some fancy-pancy people. I just have a huge fringe that kind of covers my entire forehead. Mom thinks I should get it cut, but I'll just say "That'll never happen."
And Yuna's quite similar, except her hair is blonde. Blonde hair, wavy and long, but also very beautiful. Oh and speaking of cheekbones, hers are amazing.
So what do you look like?
Anyways, I called both, Namjoon and Yuna like you suggested. Namjoon and I spent our phone call just reminiscing about our childhood and talking about how we got so old so fast. I called Yuna twice, the first time I went to her voice message, and the second we only talked for about a minute. Sie she's been busy.
Yuna's not a Victoria's Secret model, if that's what you were implying. She models for famous fashion designers. Not exactly sure which ones because I'm not part of the whole... fashion thing. I like to shop for clothes, but I couldn't care less about wether they're designer or not. And apparently, this time, she's going to appear on TV and magazines everywhere. I'm very excited to see my beautiful girlfriend's face all over the tabloids. It makes me proud to be her boyfriend.
And since Yuna doesn't read these letters, I must say, she is a very good shag. I'm not some kind of sex-crazed boyfriend or whatever, I'm just saying.
Hmph, people with eating disorders. They just need to grow up, see that there are people more beautiful than them, and deal with it, instead of complaining about their weight. It's annoying, just like those street walkers. They just need to stop binging on chocolate all the time, maybe that'll help their weight.
Fat people. They're useless. Their mobility is so limited, they can't do shit. I cringe every time I see a fat person on the street trying to walk. They look like fucking penguins trying to waddle around with a kid between their legs. It's so sad.
I'm just so glad I'm not like that. If I ended up fat... who knows where I'd be. Probably dead, because I don't see how I'll get anywhere if I'm fat.
Ugh, it makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. I think I should stop writing now.

Write back,

Kim Taehyung, October 10, 2016


You're a real jerk, Kim Taehyung. Being so intensitive to those people who are overweight and obese. Do you think they wanted to be that way? They never asked to be fat (it hurts saying that word, I just don't know what other word to use). Not everyone in the world can be skinny. Sometimes it's inescapable. Some people can't control their weight.
And you know what? Being fat puts on even more weight. The weight of the world, knowing that there a people who won't accept you. People who will discriminate you, just because of what you look like. People who will laugh at you while you're walking down the street, trying to lose a few extra pounds.
That's right, Kim Taehyung. Sigh in relief that you're not fat. Because if you were, people would be laughing at you too. Fat people might have limited mobility, but that doesn't mean they can't get anywhere in life. They can own a very successful business, be a movie star or musician, heck, they can be just as rich as you.
Think about what you're going to say before you say it, Kim. I've almost had enough of your shit.
Thinking you're so perfect and everything. Just because you're rich, doesn't make you perfect. Sometimes it just makes you a complete douchebag.
This letter gonna be a short one.
I'm not sure if I want to talk to you anymore.


Jungkook, October 14, 2016


I'm sorry. Okay? Is that what you want from me? For me to say sorry? Well, there you go. I apologised. Now stop hating me just for an opinion.
Don't stop writing these letters. Things have gotten even lonelier around here. Eunjin's friends keep coming over and it makes me jealous that my friends can't come over anymore, because they're at Uni and I'm not. Jia's boyfriend keeps coming over, and it makes me sad that Yuna won't be back for another four months. So please, please, please, just don't stop writing. You're pretty much the only person I've got to talk to.
I actually took a walk on the streets the other day. I didn't see any anorexic magazine seller, but I did see a man playing the bagpipes trying to earn some cash. Two little boys didn't even hesitate to throw a couple pound in his case. They didn't even stop to hear him play before they threw the money in. I just stopped and listened to him play. I... didn't give any money to him. And now I look back, kind of wishing that I had. He was good.
I just feel... so guilty. Is this what guilt feels like? I've never felt it before, and it's killing me. I don't know why I feel guilty over not giving that man a few pounds, but it hurts. I wish I could go back.
Jungkook, if you ever end up playing the guitar on the streets, I'll be sure to give a couple pounds. I mean, from what you've told me, you're pretty good.
So, um, bye, I guess.

Please reply,

Kim Taehyung, October 18, 2016


Where the fuck are you? I've waited ten days and still haven't gotten a reply. Are you seriously that mad at me? Please, just, please, reply. Are you okay? You haven't ended up on the streets, have you? Did the orphanage kick you out already?
Please, please, please, reply. I need to know if you're okay.

Please write back soon.

Kim Taehyung, October 28, 2016

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