Chapter 7

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"You are not leaving before I am done with you. I am not leaving you till you have listened to what I have to say." He wishpered against her ear while rubbing his cheek against hers. Her hands clutched his shirt at the sudden sensation. She couldn't resist but look up at into his beautiful captivating eyes. The spark in his eyes spoke a million words, words of apology and words of love that nobody but only her heart could understand. They always took her to a whole new universe making her want to let go of every emotion that kept her away from him. "Is there even a need to tell you how much you mean to me." He dipped his head pressing a kiss on the curve where her neck met her shoulder. The entire world spinned around her as his velvety lips took their own sweet time against her soft silky skin. Gripping his shirt tighter she didn't know wether to push him closer or to push him away. "Do I need to tell you that I am only yours and you don't ever need to be afraid of losing me." His deep and husky voice eachoed through her ears giving her goose bumps all over her body. He rubbed his nose along her jawline, while his hand went upto cup her face. "Do I need to tell you that there is no Shaurya without his Mehak. You are the reason of my living, you are irreplaceable in my heart, in my world, in my life. You are my beginning and my ending." He said while his lips pressed against the corner of her lips making her slid her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes in delight as his lips continued roaming all over her face and his love filled words pierced through her soul into her very heart. Not wanting to open her eyes she took a deep breath and lifted her head towards his forehead and pressed her lips lightly against his forhead. Making him look up at her in surprise. She looked so beautiful with her closed eyes, that soft smile at the corner of her lips. Her smile, he could do anything to see her smile, he could give up anything to see her happy. He knew he didn't need to explain to her what she meant to him as there was no one in this world who could understand his silence, could understand his unsaid words, the way she did. He looked down at her hand on his chest, lifting her hand he brushed his lips across her fingers making her open her eyes to his expressive ones. "I am sorry, I tried to tell you about the event so many times even on the day of match I was about to tell you but then Mehar came." he murmured apologetically. "0hh really Mr Khanna now don't put all the blame on my daughter, we very well know what you were doing when she interupted you." She said punching his chest trying hard to keep her smile hidden. He was no doubt the cutest creature on this earth. "Allright! Allright! Are we sorted?" He said holding her hand from punching him further. "Who said we are sorted." She turned around in his arms towards the shelf with her back pressed against his chest. He sighed thinking of why were girls so hard to handle but he was The Shaurya Khanna and Khanna's don't give up. He slipped his hands onto her waist and turned her around pulling her head towards his. "SHAURYA!! We have to leave!!" They jumped away from each other hearing Jiya call for Shaurya. She would have given in easily but unfortunately thanks to Jiya, her anger boiled up again. "Jaiye Mr Khanna aapki Ms Sharma aapko bula rahi hai." He could hear the sarcasm in her voice. She picked up the knife and continued with the attayachaar on the veggies from where she had left. While a very disappointed Shaurya left for White Chillies thinking where on this earth would he be able to be with his wife without any interruptions.

"Di! Let's go na we can help Jiju and Jiya with preparations." Nehal urged Mehak to come along to White Chillies. "Nehal they will manage aur ager tujhe jana hai na toh tu chali ja. I have many other things to do at home." Said Mehak still irritated with the thought of seeing Shaurya and Jiya together. "Mommy! Let's go! Even I want to go. Please! Please with a cherry on top!" A very excited Mehar jumped into her mother's lap. Mehak chuckled seeing Mehar look at her with the puppy face look. This father daughted duo knew exactly how to get her agree to things she didn't want to. "Mehar aap mama ke baby ho na? So Babies aren't allowed overthere and your dad must be busy so we shouldn't bother him." But even Mehar was Mehak and Shaurya's daughter. She would get her way anyhow. After lots of sessions of pleads and promises of not being a naughty girl anymore Mehar succeeded ending up at white chillies. There was a hustle bustle going on at white chillies with the prepartionsg going on. "Priya, where is Shaurya?" Asked Mehak scanning all around the place looking for her husband. "Mehak bhabi, Shaurya sir and Jiya mam have gone outside for some work." Said a very happy Priya on seeing Mehak after ages. Mehak silently nodded and decided to divert her mind by doing some work. " I want to bake a cake!" Said Mehar while jumping helping herself on the chair to be on the same level as the shelf. "No Mehar! Not today, the staff needs this place to prepare the items we are going to introduce. We will back a cake once we are at home." Mehak tried hard to explain to Mehar. "But the party is tomorrow right?! Why do they have to prepare today?!" Said Mehar scrunching her nose. Mehak couldn't believe that it could be this difficult to handle a five year old kid. "No Mehar not now! We could have easily baked a cake at home, let's go home." Mehak took a hold of Mehar's hand taking her towards the exit. "No mom! I want to do it overhere with my chef coat in this kitchen just like a chef!" Mehar dragged her mother back to the kitchen. Priya quickly got Mehar's chef coat as she didn't want to miss this apportunity of seeing "Mehar Mehak Shaurya Khanna" cook in this very kitchen where ages ago she had witnessed Mehar's parents fight and love at the same time. This was a historical moment for each and every staff person working at White Chillies. "Thank you Priya maasi! Can I have mumma's aswell!" Asked Mehar cutely as she wanted to see her mum wear her chef coat aswell. Mehak agreed instantly when she saw Mehar in that cute mini chef coat that Shaurya had specialy customized for their little masterchef. Leaving everything behind the staff members gathered in a row right infront of where the M&M chef duo where busy preparing the batter. "What the hell! Where is the staff?! Why is no one working?!" Shaurya almost on the top of his lungs standing at the entrance, while Jiya looked around in surpise. Priya silently walked upto Shaurya and signaled him to look toward the kitchen. He looked up at Priya in irritation while his head turned toward the kitchen leaving a lump in his throat. His face broke into a huge smile while unknowingly tears rolled down his eyes as his heart overflowed with bliss and happiness looking at how beautiful his daughter and wife looked with that chef coat and the chef cap on. Mehar and Mehak giggled while putting their fingers in their mouth to taste the batter made by them. "Yummy!!" He heard them scream in delight while his heart swirled and swooned at the heavenly beautiful sight. He went on and took a seat a bit closer right infront of them. "Are you alright Shaurya?" Asked a worried Jiya seeing Shaurya's eyes getting wet. "You know what makes me The Shaurya Khanna? Can you see them, these two overthere. They complete me, they have made me the Shaurya Khanna I am today. Once upon a time shaurya khanna - He never asked anything from God because he always believed in writing his own destiny. He never looked for love because it never existed for him. He was the center of his own universe. No one could reach his heart not even he himself. He never let anyone wander around his heart rather he didn't know he had one. Until God gifted him with something whom he never asked for or expected to get. He gifted him with faith, trust, hope and love called Mehak. Meri Mehak." He said with a heavy voice while his eyes had a rare spark on looking at his wife and daughter. This was the first time Jiya was seeing Shaurya open up about himself and was surprised. He smiled away and continued. "The girl who filled his life with love like no one else ever could. She introduced him with the real Shaurya Khanna who could love selflessly. She jumped over the wall and touched his heart with all her soul and become an eternal part of him and his life. She became the name written all over his destiny maybe that's why he never let destiny take her away and kept fighting till she stayed. She became the source to connect him with God. She became the definition of love and every emotion felt in love. She became his light in the darkness. She was with him, in him, in everything he did. She became everything he wanted from his life the measure of his dreams. She gave him everything for the sake of his happiness and in return he promised to be her everything." He took a deep breath while Jiya looked speechless. "Yet that Shaurya Khanna was still a flawed man and did things out of impulsiveness, hurting the love of his life at times aswell. And then something happened and he changed forever. Mehar happened, those small little hands, that innocent smile took all his flaws away and gave a birth to a whole new Shaurya Khanna. He started to be more careful with his words, he started to seeing the world from another perspective. He started to re-live his childhood the way he always wanted to, a childhood he never got." His eyes welled up again while he stared at Mehar and Mehak cuddled up against each other in excitement of their new invented cake. He chuckled at how messed up their faces where with on one hand Mehak with chocolate stains on her cheek and Mehar with the white batter on her nose. "I can't imagine my life without either of them. Shaurya Khanna's reall wealth are his wife and his daughter. And I can give up anything for them even if it's my life." He smiled through his tears. "Shaurya?!" Mehak had been observing him from since the time he had come but couldn't hear a thing but then she saw him his hands go upto his eyes and she knew something is wrong and came rushing toward him. "What happened Shaurya?!" She said cupping his face between her hands while her eyes tried to make out why his eyes were wet. Not caring about his surroundings he pulled her into a bone crushimg hug. "Our little prinsess is growing so fast, can't she stay this small?!" He said with a heavy voice leaving Mehak in an awe of him. With one hand she caressed his back trying to calm him down while with the other hand she stroked his head. "Are you for real Shaurya Khanna. You never stop amazing me. She is indeed growing up very fast but I am glad she is growing up to be just like her dad." She said while pressing her face for against his for a while. Still in his arms she turned to look at Mehar who was more busy eating the cherries instead of putting them on the frosting. "She is a foodie just like you." Said Shaurya getting the naughtiness in his voice back while his hand rose up to her cheek were she had chocolate on. Wiping it away he put his finger in his mouth tasting the flavour of chocolate mixed up with his wife's scent. "Hmm this tastes good." He said trying to safe himself from Mehak's punches. Priya and the other staff members smiled in bliss seeing their boss and Mehak bhabi being their old selfs after ages. How they missed their cute little arguments and their sweet instant patch ups. On a distance Mehar and her Nehal maasi were seen giving each other a high five as their mission got succesful. "There is no mission that is impossible for Mehar Khanna." Mehar announced proudly. "Yes my baby girl! You have done it. You are the only key to your parents love." Nehal kissed her niece, knowing how Mehar hated seeing her parents give each other a silent treatment Nehal decided to cheer up Mehar by making a plan to get everything sorted between the angry birds. White Chillies ana to ek bahana tha plan to Mehal aur Shaurya ko milwana tha. "The cake is ready to eat!!" Mehar clapped her hands and jumped seeing her dad standing next to her. "Dad!! Look we made a cake!" Her eyes sparkling with happiness, with a swift moment he took her in his arms and twirled her around. " Do you know you are the best daughter in this world." He said kissing her on her forehead. "Yess that's because I have the best daddy in the world!" She said kissing him on his forehead aswell. They all gathered around the table where the yummy looking cake was ready to get cut by the Khanna trio. Taking turns they fed each other the tasty cake with Mehar ending up putting some cake on Shaurya's face. While the cake got served to everyone present overthere Mehak noticed the cake on his face. Shaurya deliberately didn't touch his face waiting for Mehak to do teh honors. Smiling at his antics Mehak turned to pick up a napkin meanwhile Jiya had noticed the cake on his face aswell and decided to help him wipe it. She turned his face toward him and smiling wiped the cake away, while Shaurya looked up in surprise at her sudden movement. "There was cake on your face." Jiya said as a matter of fact. Shaurya turned his face to look at Mehak but she had already walked off. "Nehal where is Mehak?!" Said a worried Shaurya knowing she didn't like Jiya being all touchy with him. "Abhi to yahi thi, pata nahi kahan chali gayi." He rushed towards the exit. "Nehal please take Mehar home, I have to leave." He said hoping Mehak didn't get upset with him again.

To be continued soon.

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