idk what to put here

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I just forgot to add something about myself. You can hate me for it but it wont change my mind.

I dislike cake

(;-; I understand if you all hate me now. I get terrible looks from people at birthday parties. When someone hands me a slice of cake I just push it away from me and tell them "No thank you I already had a slice" or "I'm full" even tho I hadn't eaten anything the whole day)

Reason I remembered this is because my brother gave me his slice of a cake that my mom bought today and I just remembered my parent's faces years ago when I refused to eat cake from my cousin's birthday party and I pushed it away from me a bit to hard and it fell on the floor also knocking down a few drinks off the table. Everyone stared at me and my parent's got mad and started yelling at me I can tell my mom wanted to call me ungrateful and that I was embarrassing her infront of everyone. My head hurts just thinking about that.

read this if you want I'm sure no one would tho.Where stories live. Discover now