Mission to Find The Missing ANBU

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Kakashi and I are in the front while Sasuke and Karin are in the back. I look and smile at Kakashi. He smiles back. The most gorgeous smile on the planet, on the most specail human being. Well in my opinion.

"Looks like were here" Karin says
We are at the pit stop where the ANBU were last seen.

Karin puts on gloves, and picks up the ANBU mask left behind.

I look at it. I told her to put it back where she found it. It was pointed in a direction where there was a pathway of foot prints and crushed bushes, leaving a aisle way.

We keep walking until we reach. Bags, weapons, and explosion marks. They died..

"The explosion marks are from the ANBU. Whenever they are about to die by an enemy. They leave no body behind"

One..two...just two explosion marks.

"There is one still alive!"

I think I see a person in the distance. I tell Kakashi and he sees him too. "Sakura and I will  go to who ever is over there, you guys stay and investigate"

Kakashi and I both run as Sasuke and Karin investigate at the crime scene and find out who did this.

Kakashi and I arrive. A man.


The man turns around so fast it looks like he almost broke his neck.

"Yes! Thank you! Wait are you from the leaf?"

"Yes. Lets start off with basics" Kakashi says

"What is your name?" I ask

"Sako, I ran so I can leave intel on the enemies"

"Who was the enemy?" Kakashi asks


I gasp in frightment. I ask him again. Just to make sure.

Hes lying.

"YOURE LYING!!" I say while Kakashi holds me back and tears start falling from my eyes.


I start to cry and my hands are buried in my face. I sit down on the pieces of sticks on the grass. Kakashi sits behind me and puts his legs around me and his chin on my shoulder. I look at him. He gives me a kiss and tells me.

"I know its shocking. But we need to go. Dont tell Sasuke and Karin. They shouldnt know"

I nod and get up. I sniff and rub my hands on my nose.

"Why? Why him.." I whisper

"Its about time you get here" Sasuke says

"Dont be so unpatient" Kakashi replied

"Say one more thing and ill fight you right here" Sasuke adds

"Bastard" Kakashi says

Sasuke charges at him but Kakashi of course dodges and pins him down.

"Your rusty" Kakashi says

"I havent trained or fought in a while. Didnt go on missions. I just want to be an average person"

"Ok. Thats fine with me. But goodluck protecting your loved ones.."

"Karin give me the bag" Kakashi asks

"Ugh. Fine" She passes on the bag to Kakashi and gives it to me.

I look through it. Another mask, extra clothes.
I look inside the clothes.. What is that doing here.

"OH MY GOD!" I scream

Kakashi jumps 4 feet in the air. Karin snaps at me. And Sasuke turns to me really quick.

"T...T-...Tw-o Ticke-..ts for the chance to win a house. With a hot spring in the back. And a playground. Kakashi this is-" I stop in my tracks. Sasuke and Karin dont know. They have absoulute no idea. "This is perfect for me. But there is a chance Im going to lose." Kakashi looks at me confused now.

"Why is that so important it might be a scam" Sasuke says


"Scam" Karin says

I roll my eyes.

"Dont we have to go?" Sako asks

We all turn and realize Sako was still here. I tell him.

"Oh yea..."

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