#06: Somewhere Down The Road

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Sky Tree

Hideyoshi waited for someone at the entrance. He saw a girl wearing a cap and sunglasses. She's wearing a loose shirt and shorts. "Did you wait that long?", Hanae removed her sunglasses and winked at the guy. He just brushed it off and walked ahead. Hanae looked at the man in a black polo and a pair of jeans. "So, you're taking the lead?", Hanae clapped. "Can I hold your arms?", Hanae asked. "No", Hideyoshi answered loud and clear. They took the elevator and went to the highest level. Hanae had been talking about her memories at the tower. Also, she mentioned Junichiro throwing up when he was a kid. 

"Do you know? I have a friend who's super scared of heights. I wonder how she's dealing with places like these", Hanae suddenly opened. Hideyoshi just remained silent and just watch the sun turning orange. They decided to visit in the afternoon to watch the sunset. "Saotome-kun, how are you, with high places?", Hanae asked. "It makes me anxious because anytime, I could fall... but I'm not scared of falling. I'm scared of the pain it will give once I hit the ground", Hideyoshi leaned on the railings. It rang a bell in Hanae's mind. "Did she really hit you enough to make you memorize all her crazy principles?", Hanae clenched her fist. She stepped forward and also held on to the railings where Hideyoshi is leaning on. Both are just some inches away. Hideyoshi was about to push her away. "Let me help you forget her", Hanae smiled and played with her tone. Hideyoshi averted his stares. "I told you. I'm not interested in anyone right now. Also, I'm not in the position", Hideyoshi repeated.

Hideyoshi gently pushed him. "I know where she is. Only if you tag along with me, that's how you'd be able to get some hints", Hanae bribed. Hideyoshi covered his ears and marched out.

Modeling Agency Building

Junichiro finished his photoshoot. He grabbed on his jacket and marched outside the building. He waited for a cab but every cab seemed to be taken. He walked further. At the same time, Emi is kicking some rocks along the way. "How come he left me at the bus?!", Emi sounded pissed off and kicked higher. "Ouch!", she heard. She looked in front and saw the famous model. She shrinks down and bowed very low. "Sorry, I wasn't looking at my way", Emi apologized. Junichiro massaged his elbow and just nodded. He saw the girl and found her pretty. She can be one of her collections. "Oh. Well, did we meet somewhere?", he asked. Emi was sure they never met, even once. "Never", she answered. "Do you know me?", Junichiro asked. Who doesn't? "Oikawa Junichiro. Right?", Emi forced a smile. "Want to have some cup of tea?", Junichiro asked. Emi's mouth twitched. "I'm on my way to meet someone. Sorry", Emi was referring to Ren. "Is that person more important than me? It's one chance", Junichiro winked. It disgusted Emi. She forced a laugh and rejected it twice. It was his first time to be rejected twice.

Emi passed through him. Narcissist.

Cafe Shop

Emi sat down at the near end of the cafe, in front of a man. He's reading some manga and it shocked Emi. "Are you sick?!", Emi shouted. "You're only talking to one. Why do you have to shout?",  Ren sighed. "Are you trying a prank on me? Or...are you writing an article about manga?", Emi bombarded him with questions. "It's a story about a girl who was rejected by her childhood friend, right? Also, when they grew up and started working, that's the only time they realized their feelings for each other but then...It's a bit too late since one of them has to say goodbye. She was accidentally hit by a car and died. He spent his years regretting", Emi narrated. "You left some details", Ren commented.

Ren closed the book and sipped through his tea. "By the way, I received a call from the school. They want us to make an appearance. I'd be giving a speech and you're going to play for them", Ren informed. "Heh~ High School. Brings back memories", Emi made a sweet smile. Ren just ignored it and looked at his phone. "It brings back memories, right?", Emi repeated. Ren got uncomfortable and just cleared his throat. There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Isn't this Ichijou and Emi?", they heard a familiar voice. Both were surprised to see her no longer in a wheelchair. She also fattened up a bit and her skin looks healthy. It's been two months since they visited her. "How have you been? Aki?", Emi stood up and shook her shoulder gently. "Well, I'm still on medication. You're not with Mio?", she looked around. "Well, she mentioned looking for a part-time job", Emi answered. "Come sit with us", Ren invited. "Since when did you arrive?", Emi asked. Aki sat beside her. "Two days ago. Seri-san is still moving our luggage", Aki informed. "Are you moving into your parent's house?", Emi asked. Ren stepped on her feet. "Yeah, my Mom's house. They separated years ago", Aki answered. Emi gulped and apologized for it. "It's fine. Can you keep it as a secret from Mio first?", Aki hushed the two. They both nodded in unison.

Aki went out of the cafe. The busy street still bothers her. Back in the countryside, it's peaceful and quiet. The stars cannot also be seen that much because of the city light. It's been some years since the last time she visited the city. Her phone rang.

"Aki, you're parents are dead worried. Where are you right now?", Seri asked. "I'm just walking along the road", Aki answered. Her eyes soften as she stood in front of a large cherry blossom tree in the middle of the road. She looked up and saw the tree starting to shed off some leaves.

Mio's Apartment

She entered and went straight to her kitchen to cook. There was a knock on the door. She placed the knife back at the sink. She opened the door and was startled to see someone. "Ichijou-san. Can I help you with something?", Mio asked. Ren raised to take out the chicken and also some canned drinks. "I'm also cooking for dinner. Why don't we eat together?", Mio laughed nervously and anticipated for Emi to appear out of nowhere but she never did. Ren entered and removed his shoes.

Mio went at the kitchen to prepare for dinner and also placed the chicken in the plate. They both stayed in the living room. Mio got a scholarship even an apartment to stay. "Is it okay for me to turn on the news?", Mio asked. It's time for news report. They both ate while watching. "What an unfair world to live in", Ren sighed. "Ichijou-san. Why are you here? Did something happen between you and Emi?", Mio asked. Ren turned off the television. "She suddenly threw up a tantrum a while ago. I offered to walk her home but she rejected", Ren sighed. Mio is aware of how Emi can be so childish at times. "Did you guys fight over something?", Mio tilted her head. Ren looked at her. "No need for you to know. I bought a lot of chicken. I remember Mom and Aunt are on a business trip right now", Ren explained.

Chapter end.

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