#16: Family Gathering

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Saotome's Family House

"Thanks for having us here", Emi greeted the old man. He was startled to see a group of young people. He smiled and looked at Hideyoshi. "I'm glad you're really living your life now", Reiji smiled. "Oh, fancy meeting you here as well", Junichiro peeked in from the entrance of the house. "What are you...", Hideyoshi's eyes twitched. "I saw him on my way here. He helped me carry some kinds of stuff", Reiji informed.  

Reiji and Hideyoshi paid respect to their loved ones. Sad as it is, but they only have each other to cling unto. They're the only ones left to continue the race. "Hideyoshi, your parents must've been rejoicing to see you back socializing with other people. Also, I miss the noise back at your high school days", Reiji opened. "They're not mine. It's just that she's trying her best to penetrate into me as well", Hideyoshi gave a slight smile. "Do you love that girl, hide?", Reiji asked. "What makes you ask so?", the lad turned to his grandfather. "You wouldn't bother dragging her from place to place if you don't. In that case, would you call it obsession instead?", Reiji clarified.

Living Room

The living room is surrounded by flower styled fabrics. "Nakara-chan, do you have some free time for Christmas? Let's go to Australia", Junichiro leeched around Mio and hang on her arms. Ren's eyes are twitching. "Then, I can't believe that you're also her friend", Junichiro looked at Emi. He remembered being rejected once. He looked at Ren who was beside her. "Yup, I'm still more handsome than you", he proclaimed. Ren had it and crumpled the book he was holding. "Huh?", Ren released a dark aura. "Ichijou-san is so responsible and intelligent. That's what makes him likable", Mio defended. Ren paused and looked at the girl who gave a warm smile. "Says the nice girl", Emi elbowed him. "Heh~ so you like him? Another rival?", Junichiro burned in determination. Both started glaring at each other.

Hideyoshi walked around the corridor and heard some noise coming from the living room. He can hear Emi's chuckles. Mio seemed to be worried. Hideyoshi slid the door open. Two pillows landed on his face. He grabbed two pillows and dropped them. His eyes twitched and looked at the two-man in front of him. "Get out", he motioned. "It was him who started it", Junichiro pointed at Ren. Mio finally laughed. So Ren can also be so childish.

"Why don't you guys visit the vicinity? Hide, give them a tour. The last time, Nakara wasn't able to look around that properly. Hideyoshi mostly spends his days here when his parents died", Reiji informed. They all looked at the old man and gave a thumbs up. "Why don't you do it, grandpa?", Hideyoshi complained. Junichiro pushed the man outside and the rest followed.

They ended in a large room with all the real swords and old traditional dress. "Are we in a museum?", Emi ran around. "Be careful to trip on something", Ren warned. "Are you his dad?", Junichiro teased. Ren hissed and Junichiro hid behind Hideyoshi. "Don't dare. I can't also win against him", Hideyoshi sighed. It's been really a while when he last hangs with people his age. "Are your ancestors some kind of general?", Emi asked. Mio saw a beautiful hairpin at the cabinet. It doesn't seem to be an antique one. She blew the dust away and saw that it's a modern hairpin. "Hideyoshi, I saw something here", Mio raised her hand.

Hideyoshi went near her. Junichiro was fixated with the weird-looking clothe. "That's a legendary undergarment for a man", Ren mentioned. Junichiro flushed being so ignorant about it. He must've stared too much. He covered his face. Ren slightly chuckled. "What? It's not I know everything. Do you also know all the clothing agency in Japan?", Junichiro tried to redeem himself.

Mio showed the hairpin to Hideyoshi. The lad froze and seemed to have a moment of flashback.

Is she just one of your obsessions?

Hideyoshi forced a smile and reached out to the hairpin. He clipped Mio's hair with it. There was a certain emotion in his eyes that Mio is not sure of. They were sad, bitter but at the same time, it was gentle. "Does it belong to someone important to you?", Mio asked. "Uhmmm. That's why I'd give it to you because you're important too", Hideyoshi answered and averted his stares. There was an awkward silence. Mio can't find words to answer him.  Mio cleared her throat. "I'll just check on them", Hideyoshi escaped. Emi was watching and listening to the whole time.

Ren and Junichiro are having a quarrel again. "Aren't you guys going to stop?", Hideyoshi grabbed one sword. Both men gulped and stopped talking.

After everything, Hideyoshi's grandfather asked their driver to bring them to the nearby hot spring. Only a few people are around this time.

"Hot.... hot... hot...spring?!", Junichiro shouted.

Hot Spring Bath

The boys are all together with just a few old men. "We look like old men as well", Hideyoshi said as he throws a water pail on Junichiro who seemed alienated with everything. "Rich Kid", Hideyoshi and Ren commented in unison. They left him in the middle wondering what to happen. After some time, Hideyoshi pulled the guy at the side. He started scrubbing his back. "Hey...What are you...doing?", Junichiro was embarrassed. "You're going to wash my back afterward", he sighed. Ren just gave a smile while watching Junichiro melt in embarrassment. "What's your name? I'll really deal with you", Junichiro threatened. "Ichijou Ren. Remember than name until you die", Ren introduced. "Oikawa Junichiro, I'll be your greatest nightmare", Junichiro childishly said. Junichiro stood up and slipped on the water pail in front of him. Ren and Hideyoshi laughed. He whined and asked them to stop laughing.

Female section

"They seemed to be having fun", Emi chuckled as she dipped at the spring. She joined Mio who was out of her self for quite some time. "Mio, we aren't that talking these days. Is there something you're not telling me?", Emi opened. "Huh. Like what?", Mio nervously chuckled. "Like... about Saotome. What's your relationship?", Emi clarified. "We're... We're... just helping each other", Mio smiled. "You are helping him but how is he helping you?", Emi shook her. "For the longest time, I've always been the one being taken cared of. Grandmother died but then Aki suddenly appeared and also took care of me in spite of her illness. I want to stop being the person only receiving such treatment", Mio honestly said. "Is that all? I saw your glance at him a while ago. He said you were important to him as well. I'm not quite sure what that means", Emi went closer. Mio gulped.

"I think... I'm moving towards him", Mio gulped. "Not to invalidate your feelings but then.. sometimes when people feel that they are needed, they tend to develop feelings out of that fact. I hope you'd really be able to know what you genuinely feel. Don't be too impulsive", Emi warned. Mio chuckled. "What's with all the advice", Mio pushed her. "Don't move too fast that he can't reach you", Emi looked at her with serious eyes. "Who?", Mio tilted her head.

Emi splashed hot water on her face. "That stings", Mio whined and took her revenge.

This day was fun.

Chapter end.

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