~Outro: Tear~

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3rd Person POV

Yoongi's eyes widened as he looked at Liv with shock.

"W-what? Since when?"

Liv sat down on the chair at the end of Hoseok's hospital bed and looked towards Yoongi.

"Apparently, my womb could suffocate the baby and the baby would come out dead."

He put down Jungmin and walked to her before giving her a tight hug.

"It's okay. I'm here for you. Everything is going to be alright."

Liv nodded and let my tears fall rapidly like a waterfall on his shoulder.

Yoongi sat down next to Liv since the position we were in was uncomfortable and she laid her head on his lap.

"Did you tell Han?"

Liv shook her head and he sighed.

Han entered into the room a few seconds later and looked at Liv.

"Tell me what?"

Liv jumped up and cleared her tears from her face.

"N-nothing, don't worry about it."

Yoongi sighed before standing up and dragging Liv towards Han.

"You two need to talk. Go on."

Han looked at Liv confused as she sighed and took his hand, walking out of the room.

Hoseok POV

I was awake and heared the whole conversation Yoongi and Liv had.

Han and Liv exited the room and I sat up, catching Yoongi's attention.

"Did you just wake up or...?"

I nodded and he sighed as he laid next to me.

"I feel really bad. How though?"

"I don't know. I just hope they can get past it."

I nodded and hugged Yoongi as if my life depended on it.

He hugged me back as he kissed my head, calming me down.


Han and I arrived at the park near the hospital and we sat down on a bench.

"Liv, what happened? Is something wrong?"

I nodded and looked towards him.

"Han, what would happen to us if I couldn't have children?"

He looked at me confused, but answered.

"Well, I would obviously end our relationship. It's awful. I mean, what type of female can't have children? That's stupid."

I teared up and stood up, slapping him.

"Well, you know what?! I'm the one ending it, asshole!"

He looked at me with shock and stood up.

"What did I do?!"

"I can't have children, dumbass! Why did I even trust you in high school?! We're over!"

I let my tears fall and ran past him and home.

Anaiah POV

I looked around in the hospital as all of us called the police and tried calling Liv.

"I'm worried. She's been gone for hours now."

Jimin sighed worriedly before speaking.

"Anaiah, go look for Liv. She might be home or something."

I nodded and ran out of the hospital and towards the apartment.

A few minutes of running later, I arrived at the apartment.

I knocked on the door until I noticed the door was open.

I ran in and went into Liv's room to see her quickly packing her things.

3rd Person POV

"Liv! What are you doing?! Do you know how worried we were?!"

Liv turned around and looked at Anaiah surprised.

"You're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be with the others."

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to be here?! I'm your best friend!"

"I'm a dissapointment! Why can't you get it?!"

Liv took her bag and ran out of the apartment, Anaiah chasing her.

Luv ram across the street, not looking where she was going and...



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