Part 8: The First Fight

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Goku rest his head on ChiChi's lap content. So far the day was perfect. He spent his entire morning training. This afternoon, he joined ChiChi for a picnic lunch. The food was delicious as always and almost filled him. ChiChi got upset with herself for not making him full but Goku was confident one day it'll happen. Sleep was close to claiming him with ChiChi's sweet scent surrounding him and her fingers caressing his bangs. This was better than laying in Grandpa's lap.

ChiChi was pleased with herself. This is what Goku needed. When they returned from Paz's shop, Goku was quiet for the remainder of the day. His mood shifted when they went to the bigger market. Paz was right. It was bigger and had everything they needed. Unfortunately it left their funds dangerously low, but ChiChi had a remedy for that problem. "We've been married a few weeks, Goku. It's been wonderful and I enjoy being a wife to you but it's time you perform your duties as husband."

Goku opened his eyes, gazing at ChiChi. "I have sex with you, ChiChi."

ChiChi tugged one of his bangs playfully. "I don't mean that. As a husband, you must make money for us to live on."

Goku didn't understand. Didn't he already do that? "I gave you the money from the tournament."

"Goku, that money was never gonna be enough for us to live on for the rest of our lives. We've already spent most of it. We're running low and you have to make money for us."

"Why do we need money? I've lived my life without money."

"We need it for food."

"But you're growing food and I hunt us food."

That was true. She did have a vegetable garden growing but the vegetables weren't ready to be picked. Goku hunted plenty of meat for them and during their walks around Mount Paozu, Goku showed her areas where he picked fruit as a child. Around these mountains, there were areas where there were an abundance of apples and berry fruits like strawberry, goji, black and blueberry. "There are some foods we need to buy that I can't grow and you can't hunt. When we have a child, we will need money to buy things for the baby." She paused, unsure how Goku will take it but knew it had to be said. "Even your grandpa knew that."

Goku frowned at the mention of his grandpa. He sat up, pulling away from ChiChi's touch. "You made your point. How do I make us money?"

ChiChi detected a defensive tone from Goku. She regretted mentioning Gohan but she was getting frustrated at Goku's reluctance to bring money in the household. She did all the cooking and cleaning while Goku spent his days training. What was wrong wanting her husband to do his job as head of the household? "Mr. Olitz has a paddy field. Dad said he's hired some people for harvesting but he could use a few more. It's temporary work for a few weeks but the pay is fair. Aki is helping with the harvest, too. You befriend him when he helped with our home so you will have a friend there."

Goku hadn't seen Mr. Olitz and Aki since the wedding. It'll be nice to see them again. "Okay."

"Around this time of the year, many farmers are planting and harvesting," ChiChi went on. "Once you're done with Mr. Olitz's farm, I'll ask my Dad who else needs help. You can have consistent work for months."

"Wha???" Months?!! What about his training? Goku was willing to put off intense training while he worked temporarily for Mr. Olitz but he had no plans of putting it off indefinitely.

"What's wrong with that?" ChiChi snapped. "Husbands usually get jobs."

"But, ChiChi, if I work every day, I won't have time to train."

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