Chapter 2

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"No, he can't read my poker face"


Getting out of Atlanta wasn't easy. We picked up two more people along the way as we navigated the chaotic streets of this dying city. T-dog, a black man with an attitude, and Glenn Rhee, a Korean kid who looked five seconds from spiralling into complete panic. With the way we were screaming at each other, you'd think we were all siblings, or at least best friends. You could barely tell I'd skidded up and picked them up not five minutes ago.

Poker Face by Lady Gaga blared through the speakers of our car, providing our epic venture with a much-needed soundtrack. All the other radio stations had gone down, but one was still holding strong, giving musical life to what would no doubt be an epic tale to tell later. Between our shrieking at each other as they helped me drive through the trashed streets of Atlanta, Georgia, the music, and the fact that bombs were falling in the background, I was willing to bet we'd all be bonded for life after this.

"We're out!" Glenn shouted over Gaga, the queen of 2000s music. I knew Dean would be disappointed in my lack of classic rock, but you can't pick 'em all. "Shit!"

I swerved out of the way of another dead asshole who no doubt wanted nothing more than to eat our faces off. "Fuck! Okay, we may be out, but shit!" There was no verbal filter on any of us anymore. We were just screaming and trying not to die at this point, which was fine. I wondered where Castiel was at this point. "Chuck have mercy!"

"Who the hell is Chuck?!" T-dog called as I almost rammed into the back of a crashed car, my brakes shrieking in protest as I tried to turn while stopping at the same time.

"Probably God, but I'm not sure!"

We ran over what I assumed was a body, causing the car to jerk, and all of us to scream. Not because we were really that scared, feeling rather safe in the car, but because this situation warranted screaming. I mean, hey, screaming is clearly allowed, so why the fuck not? This whole thing would feel wrong if we weren't howling in each other's ears.

"That guy ain't dead!" T-dog shrieked in alarm as a man ran out in front of the Mustang. We did what any group of strangers would do and all began to scream in sync as I slammed down on the brakes as hard as I could. Considering how fast we were going before, it was a miracle the car slid to a stop in time to avoid sending that man flying into the next state. He had short, curly hair and a bulky build.

"What do we do?" Jacqui whispered as though the man, who was just standing there catching his breath, could hear us.

"Ram him?" I suggested. They all looked at me. "Don't give me that look. We don't know this guy."

"She has a point." Glenn whispered, his eyes narrowing. The man began to approach, and I felt myself panic. This seemed to make everyone else panic. Life or death situations fuse people like that.

The man tapped on the window. I stared at him like he'd just stepped out of the Twilight Zone. I turned to look at everyone else in car, not quite sure how to react. T-dog offered a noncommittal shrug, and Jacqui carefully shook her head, her eyes wide. Glenn failed to have an opinion and was instead staring at the man like he was about to smash the window in.

I rolled down the pane of glass carefully, feeling an awful lot like I was at a drive thru. I resisted the urge to ask for fries and a Coke, instead pressing my lips together and staring at the man with big eyes I hoped made me look more innocent than I actually am. I tried not to make the gun in my lap too noticeable. He noticed it anyway. Fuck.

"I'm Shane Walsh." He breathed. I raised an eyebrow at him, and Jacqui shut off the radio, which had been blasting Rihanna passionately following the end of one of the Lady's best hits. I awkwardly cleared my throat, shifting in my seat.

"Erica." I offered, keeping my face expertly neutral to try and hide the fact that I was contemplating speeding off. "Can I... uh, help you?" Role reversal. He should be asking me if I want to try today's special.

"We've got a camp." He waved off towards the trees. How specific of him. "For survivors. We're trying to get anyone goin into the city."

"We were coming out." Jacqui grimaced. Shane grimaced back.

"I noticed." He sighed. "I'm just sayin'— we need the man power. If y'all have somewhere else to be, I won't stop you, but you're welcome to join us." He waved his hand back at the trees once more. Again, very specific.

"We must convene." I said, rolling up the window with zero hesitation. Shane, a police officer by the looks of his outfit, removed his hands as the glass rolled up. He nodded in an understanding sort if way, taking a few steps back as I turned to face my new besties. "Listen, we don't know each other, but after what just happened, you're my new ride or die crew."

"I agree with the lady. After what we just went through..." T-dog shook his head. "I trust you guys. With my life. After screaming at each other for fifteen minutes straight, I honestly can't think of anyone I trust more." T-dog scratched the top of his head. "Well, nobody alive, anyway. Is that weird?"

"No. We've known each other for half an hour, but I agree. You saved me." Jacqui made eye contact with me, and smiled. "She saved you two as well. We're all stuck in this shit show. Together." That was mildly inspirational and I don't know why.

"I'll stick with you guys." Glenn agreed with a nod. I nodded back. "Going to their camp may be a good idea. Where else are we going to go?"

"I've got two brothers out there, but I think it may be best to hunker down." I agreed. My brothers are... well, I have no fucking idea where. They were on a hunt, but that easily could have ended, and they could have moved on to a new case. If Castiel can find me, he'll be an open channel of communication between us for sure. I don't want to get to far before he tracks me down.

"I'm with you three. I've got the clothes on my back, but that's about it." He said. I nodded once again. I've got a backpack with a change of clothes, but it's nothing close to enough to survive the apocalypse.

"I've got a haul of crap shoved in my trunk, but not enough to survive this." I waved my hand at the traffic jam ahead. "Let's give this guy the benefit of the doubt. If he turns out to be a serial killer, I'm sure we can take him out."

"Alright." Glenn smiled.

"I'm there if you're there. Not like I've got anyone else." Jacqui smiled. I turned back to Officer Shane over there, rolling down my window. He stepped forward, looking exhausted. Same.

"We'll go with you." I agreed, nodding. "Lead the way."

[Song: Poker Face by Lady Gaga]

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