Chapter 20

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"Hit another crossroad."


So we ended up choosing to go to the CDC, which is all great and good. Who doesn't love getting cured from deadly diseases, am I right? There's only one problem. It's a pretty big problem, and I want to rip every hair right out of my amazing little head! The problem is my car. As in it has been stripped of its tires, sucked for gas, and several parts have been pulled from it. All while I wasn't looking!

Who the hell did this to my precious baby you ask? I was wondering the same thing, but then I made eye contact with Dale and knew. He was the evil mastermind behind the dismantling of my car! I can see his ploy from a mile away. He's trying to expose my trunk stash without outwardly admitting that he totally snooped in my business! Well surprise, surprise, Dale. Ripping someone's car apart without their permission just so happens to be ten times worse than popping their trunk.

"...You okay?" Glenn asked carefully as I fumed. BOB was sitting at my feet, grooming his paws in the most prim and proper way I had ever seen. He has so much dignity for a guy who was just being tossed around by a bunch of kids. I wish I could be that majestic. Unfortunately, licking dirt off my self is not only disgusting, but I'd probably get walker-afied if I dared to try. 

"I'm great, Glenn. Just great." I glared at Dale as he popped off another one of my tires, just handing it over to Morales and his family. As if my tires even fit their car! Well... okay, they might, but that isn't the point. They're my tires. You don't just take a woman's tires without asking. Dale has started a war, and he has no idea the battle that's coming. It's going to rain down on him.

"I guess this means we'll be needing another ride, then." T-Dog frowned. I frowned too. Our squad car was just ripped to pieces by the vultures of this camp, thus ruining what would have been an epic venture of four to the CDC. Well, four plus BOB. I'd never leave him out of the party. He's become too much of a driving force in my life.

"I need to move my... uh, collection." My eyes drifted from my now-crippled and tireless child to Daryl, who was strapping down Merle's motorbike. In the bed of his truck. I immediately zeroed in on all that extra space he had just sitting there. I can already see where my wooden stakes would sit. 

"Collection?" T-Dog asked, but it was too late. I was on the move. Like a shark in the water, I went for the blood. Daryl is going to let me use the bed of his truck, or so help me god I will pull out the strongest card in my deck. The tears card. It never fails. You should have seen the look on Crowley's face when I started to sob and rant about this one dog I had in high school, but had to leave behind due to a hunt. He looked ready to hunt down the pooch for me just to get out of the situation.

"Dixie-cup, my buddy, my pal!" I exclaimed as I strut up, BOB on my heels. Daryl immediately looked ready to run and hide. Good. At least I know my reputation proceeds me. Or maybe he's just afraid I'm going to touch him again. I really need to cool it with that. I mean, he clearly doesn't like it. Who am I to continue? I don't particularly want a bolt through the eye anytime soon.

"What th' hell do you want?" He grumbled out sourly. Wow, nice to see I'm loved. Whatever, I don't need him to like me to use his truck. Though I remember hearing somewhere that friendship is magic. 

"I need to use your truck." I proclaimed confidently. He stared down at me for a moment like I was insane, in which case he would be right. I lost what was left of my marbles years ago, as anyone in my profession might. 

"...For?" Daryl looked suspicious, but he hadn't said no. I think that counts as progress, does it not? I don't know. I'm not the best at socializing. I can crack skulls together and stomp faces in if need be. I can even decapitate people if need be. Talking just... Sam is the one who went to university and actually socialize like a normal human being, so he's pretty much the expert.

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