Chapter 9

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"This ain't no place for no hero."


Glenn and I got back, the car alarm blazing. I hope Merle is behaving. After being cuffed to a roof, he's having to ride with the man who did it. He did seem like he was beginning to calm down when I left, but the man isn't exactly predictable. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to attack Rick again. I could only hope they didn't crash the van, and didn't crash into a tree. God knows I would. I'm already not the best driver, but trying to fend of a feral redneck at the same time would be no easy feat.

Shane and Amy flocked to us immediately, Shane demanding we pop the hood while Amy began to batter us for information pertaining to her sister. Glenn just about flipped his lid as everyone came onto him at once. I was glad I wasn't the driver in this instance. They always get the shit. Doesn't make listening to the constant barrage of questions any less annoying.

"Yes, they're fine! They're coming back!" I shouted as Jim disabled the car's blaring alarm. Amy didn't stop there, even if she should have. She then went on to ask if Andrea was okay, when she'd be back, if she'd gotten hurt, and of course, if she was really fine. Oh, and of course, if we were actually sure she was on her way, and so on and so forth. Glenn and I were all but foaming out the damn mouth, barely processing anything she said anymore. I get her concern, but her damn question was answered.

"Is she okay?!" Amy shrilled again.

"Yes! Yeah, fine. Everybody is." Glenn said, finally silencing the young woman. I released a breath of air, sharing a look with my Korean friend. He looked completely done, even if he had gotten to drive a really cool car. Then, it hit me like a shitload of bricks. Merle Dixon. If a crazed redneck out for blood was about to be delivered onto my doorstep, I'd sure as hell want to know.

"Well, Merle not so much." I admitted, patting Glenn's back.

"Are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here?" Shane looked at each of us with his eyebrows raised. It reminded me of the many times Bobby had scolded me in the past. "Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" 

"I think we're okay." Dale allowed, gazing around with wide eyes.

"You call being stupid okay?" Shane can be such an ass. He's yet another person I'm sure Dean would have no problem with sucker punching. Then again, maybe I just don't get along with cops too well. I don't exactly have the best history with them.

"The alarm is going to echo all over the damn place, Shane. Walkers are dumber than a sack of bricks. You know they won't be able to pinpoint the sound. Not even a living person could." I defended Glenn, because we're a squad, and that's what squad members do. He seemed relieved by my interference with Shane's scolding. I nodded to him. I'd let a werewolf take a chunk out of my arm before I failed to help out my ride or dies. 

"She's not arguing, Shane. She's just saying, and she has a point." Dale clearly had the same idea as me pertaining to the echoing. That, or he's just a genuinely nice guy who also thinks Shane is an asshole. Personally, I like to think it's the latter. That way, at least someone shares my opinion of the man. He's hot, I'll give him that, but I'd never tap that well. Besides, it's pretty damn clear Lori already has. Everyone knows it. They aren't exactly quiet, and guess who watches Carl when they go at it?

Carol, actually. Not me. I'm sure you get the point though.

"It wouldn't hurt you two to think things out a little more carefully next time, would it?" Damn, Dale is playing both sides. I tried not to think of Cas, who typically did the same thing anytime me and my brothers got into a heated debate. If I think about Cas too much, it could be seen as praying, and I don't need him finding out I just walked through a crowd of the undead with nothing but a machete and a string of miscellaneous body parts and intestines strung around my neck. I'm not sure how well it'd go over.

"Sorry," Glenn said awkwardly. I just shrugged. Yeah, sorry not sorry. It was this or walk back, and I'm sorry, but no? Besides, speeding down the left side of the interstate in that thing was gnarly. I could tell Glenn thought so too. This car is a definite keeper, but Jim's already eyeing it like a hawk. Just like he's been eyeing my car since I got here. 

"I mean... we got a cool car." Glenn said when nobody spoke, gesturing to it. Faintly, I heard the truck approach.

Amy ran for Andrea, and I paused when I remembered that Rick was with them. Rick Grimes. As in... Lori and Carl Grimes. Rick... the dead husband who...

Oh boy.


"Disoriented... I guess that comes closest," Rick recalled, "Disoriented."

"Fear, confusion-- all those things, but..." thunder rumbled, "disoriented comes closest." 

I found that I couldn't relate. I hated being away from my brothers, but right now, I was glad they weren't here. I was glad Cas wasn't here. Not because I want to be alone with my squad, all of which look like they're having some major flash backs at the moment, but because I know they'd ring my neck hard enough to give me a glimpse into the next life. Besides, a couple of dead idiots aren't going to kill Sam and Dean. They'll be fine, and more importantly, so will the Impala. We'll find each other eventually.

The night was quiet after dinner. I couldn't stop thinking about Daryl. I'd kill someone if they cuffed my brother to a roof, even if my brother was being an ass. Well, maybe not kill them. Sam and Dean are both smart enough to know how to get out of handcuffs. They'd find a way to break the chain, pick the lock, or if worse came to worse, they'd break their thumb and slip out. I doubt Merle's smart enough to have the sense to do that.

Nonetheless, Merle is a fellow hunter, and you can bet damn well I wasn't happy about him getting left behind.

[Song: Short Change Hero by The Heavy]

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