Attack & Protect

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"My lord are you alright!?" You asked as you stood in front of him ready to fight.

Before he could respond, Kuriza was cut off by the person who caused the explosion.

"Kill the bastard son of Frieza!" A purple alien yelled as he pointed to you and the young lord.

Narrowing your eyes at him, you watched as more of his kind begin to show up. This would be usually a piece of cake, but now that you had someone to protect it may be more of a issue. As the group began to charge you charged up your ki blasts and began to attack. Keeping close to Kuriza.

"Die you scum." You said coldly as you continued to barrage them with ki blasts.

As some began to grow closer you began to fight them using close combat. Finishing them off with a blast to the head. Feeling the blood smear your face, you couldn't help but feel your sadistic side creeping up on you. Smirking at the bodies as they hit the floor.

Unknown to you, Kuriza looked up at you with pure admiration. The overwhelming power you had over the stupid fools. The sadistic look in your face. The amount of grace you held as you continued to massacre the group. You reminded him a bit of his father. Actually the thought of you being with his father wasn't all that unpleasant. You were kind, fun, and patient. Not to mention you lasted this long with him. Thinking about it, it sounded like a great idea.

"My lord!"

Snapping out of his thoughts he sees a blast heading straight towards him. Being frozen in place he shut his eyes waiting for the blast to hit him. Feeling nothing hit him, he opens his eyes to see (f/n) kneeling in front of him. Shielding him from the blast. He could see the look of pain on her face as she tries to smile at him.

"A-are you alright?"


As you continued to shield him, another blast hit your back. Making you scream as you continued to shield the crying child. Hugging Kuriza close to you, you continued to endure the onslaught of blast. Feeling yourself grow lightheaded, you continued to hold Kuriza as close as possible. You would rather die then let anything happen to him. As you looked at Kuriza's crying face once more, you slowly began to close your eyes. The last thing you heard was another explosion and screaming. Then nothing.

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