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SAM WAS VERY HAPPY she didn't have powerful charmspeak, thank you very much.
Sure, it was a cool power, but it made people madly afraid of you and attracted monsters like fly to honey.

It didn't matter anyway,because in some form or another, every Aphrodite child had some sort of Charmspeak. It may not be called charmspeak, but they all had some sort of control over people. For some, like Drew Tanaka, it was more obvious. If Drew asked you to jump off the top of Zues cabin while wearing a pink tutu and striped pajamas, you would already be whipping out your onesie. But for others like Veronica-Rhea Hare, it was less obvious. If Veronica asked you to do the same, you wouldn't. Maybe you would get a little tempted, at most. But throughout the day, that's all you would be able to think about.

Think about how soft Veronica's lips looked like when she asked, how shiny her hair was, how good she smelled. That power was called 'attraction' or 'Aphrodite charm' but in Sam's theory, that was just a lesser version of charmspeak. Sam had never had charmspeak. Well, she did. By she had only used it once or twice, and those were in random situations where her charmspeak didn't really help.

One, when they was on a rock climbing in third grade. They were losing their grip, and begged the girl beside them to tell the instructors to pull them down. The little kid next to them, with buck teeth and curly brown hair had basically zoomed down and told the instructors, who in turn did so. But Sam wasn't sure if that example really count, because while she knows she might have had charmspeak help the kid get down there faster, the kid would have helped without charm speak nonetheless.

But then again, Sam was kind of glad charmspeak wasn't her forte. The only camper  they knew who was good at charmspeak was Drew Tanaka, and well, of being in control of people at all times even turned her mildly into Drew... she would happily drop off her demigod powers at the nearest convince store.

Plus, she was very happy with her abilities, charmspeak be damned. Aphrodite kids all had the power to alter their appearance how they like, and while most would get rid of their acne, maybe change their hair color every once in a while, Sam used it to her full advantage. In fact, Sam was pretty sure the reason she was so good at shapeshifting was because she had been unconsciously doing it from a young age.

On male days, he had made his voice deeper, shoulders broader, maybe even make himself a little taller, without even realizing it. Then again, when she was a child, she looked basically the same no matter her gender. That couldn't be said now.

Finding out you're a demigod is... weird, to say the least. It mostly felt weird because Sam had been told her whole life her father had left her and her mother at a young age. So when her study buddy from 3rd period algebra had said 'Surprise! You're mothers a god and I'm half goat!', she couldn't even react.

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