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REALLY, THIS WHOLE THING COULD BE BLAMED ON ANNABETH CHASE trusting Sam, Andy and Will of all people to take care of a new demigod without poisoning her mind with shitty jokes.

It had only been a few minutes, and Andy Bessano had probably cured every single damn pun he had at poor Piper McLean. Luckily, though, most of them seemed to go over her head. Sam was starting to get the idea that this girl was a bit of a ditz. Or maybe she just wholeheartedly didn't understand jokes.

"So..." she said aimlessly after Andy had finished his verbal joke abuse on her, "how long have you two been here?"

"Three years, I think." Sam comments, "I don't have it down to an exact science. But we're all year round campers."

"Cool, cool." Piper is obviously straining her brain for any questions to break the ice, "Who are your parents?"

"You mean the godly ones?" Andy crosses his arms.

"Yeah, no shit she means the godly ones." Will says to the shorter boy. Andy sticks his tongue out at Will, before clearing his throat.

He pointedly ignores Will's comment and addresses Piper, who looks as innocent as a new born puppy. "My dad is Dionysus. His dad's Apollo. Her mum's Aphrodite."

Upon seeing the confused look on the unclaimed demigod's face, Will looks at her and says, "Wine god, sun god, love god."

"Oh, alright." All the stress on her face clears as she looks towards the floating debris of her ride to Camp Half-Blood, splattered across he lake, "Sorry for ruining your chariot."

"It's fine." Will tells her honestly, "You weren't the one driving it." Sam can practically hear the giant 'fuck you' to Butch and Annabeth hidden in his words.

The blonde boy takes in a deep breath before jumping into the lake towards the wood pieces floating above the surface.

"Will, be careful!" Andy warns from the shore.

Sam digs and shakes her head at the two boys before smiling softly. Piper catches onto this, her eyebrows raising.

"Is Will your..." Piper smirks, raising your eyebrows.

"My what?" Sam asks, her attention snapping back to Piper.

"You know..." Piper trailed off suggestively.

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