Chapter One

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Today felt like just any for Caiden as he woke up from his deep sleep, hearing his load older twin siblings Kyle and Madison yelling at each other about how being older by a few minutes makes you 'boss' or not and if it gave you the right to take the last muffin or not.
So Caiden gets up from his warm comfortable bed and makes his way to the bathroom to freshen up and make himself presentable making sure his ebony sleek horns are shiny and the feathers of his dark wings are in order all while listening to his bickering siblings down stairs until he hears his mother yell at the both of them that's it's to early to be fighting.

His mother is a very beautiful woman she's small but not one you'd want to anger, shes the kind of person that looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly but can be the darkest and scariest person you'll ever encounter.

After hearing his brother and sister quiet down after being scowled by their mother over a silly muffin and slight age difference. He made his way down the stairs to meet his loving but chaotic family in the kitchen to see his mother making breakfast while eyeing the twins every once an a while to make sure they don't start something else. Soon all their eyes are pointed at him.

Kyles the first to greet his little brother. "Good morning little bro, sleep well"?  I answered quietly as always when I speak. "Yeah I slept fine and good morning to you as well Kyle". I greet Maddi and mom too, they give me a smile and when I'm in arms reach they all start hugging me and basically passing me around to squeeze me to death and pinch my cheeks as if I'm a toddler. I love them to death but they see me as the baby and I hardly get to do much around them without them worrying about me. My dad on the other hand, he does his best to not over do it like the rest by giving me my space but even he sometimes can't help himself.

I share a lot of my looks with my mom my wings, my horns, my porcelain like skin complexion, my height and my brown wavy hair. Other then that I have my dads blue eyes and quiet demeanor. But I do have both their magical abilities, not all of it is different I guess but the majority between light and dark fairies magic could go by the looks of it and how it's used.

My brother has moms wings but no horns and has light magic. He has dads blonde straight hair and blue eyes. He's also quite tall standing at 5 '11 , dads 6 '2 so he may grow taller I don't know and dads tan complexion.

Maddi my sister has your typical fairy wings light and transparent as if they were part of a dragonfly's. No horns adorned the top of her head but she does have mothers green eyes with long wavy almost curly hair. She uses dark magic like mom too she's a little taller than me by two inches. I'm 5 '6 and she likes to pick with me about being the little guy.

When they were done passing me around I was finally able to sit down. And that's when dad walked into the room smiling away as usual. "Hey honey, morning kids. Jolene have you seen where I put my wallet I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find it". No I haven't Chris but knowing you, you probably left them in you pants pocket again".And with mom saying that dad blushed. "Your probably right sweetheart".

I watched dad leave while mom put a plate in front of me. "So what are my precious babies gonna do today". Mom asked lightheartedly with a smile on her face. Maddison's the first of us to say anything to our mom while she works away behind the island."Well me and my friends were thinking of going to the mall and finding some cute new clothes for school Monday". Maddison loves to go shopping, why I don't know and where she puts all her clothes is beyond me. You could probably call her room a clothing store honestly.

"Your such a typical girl Madds" Kyle started laughing. "Am not I just like buying clothes and shoes, is it bad I like looking good"? Maddi huffed. "No it's not but you gotta look good to begin with". And that's when Kyle bursted out laughing and Maddi hit him upside the head. This just made Kyle laugh even more. Mom on the other hand sighed an looked at me. "What are you gonna do today baby". I shrugged my shoulders because I never really do much or have much to do. My friend Sarah is two hours away at her great aunts and my other friend Brandon is helping his dad with work at some construction site. " I don't know really I'll probably stay here or go to the park".

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