Chapter Four

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As I was walking around the clearing kicking rocks here and there, just trying to pass time until my friends show up. I couldn't help but think how I haven't gotten myself a boyfriend in three years. Sure I was fourteen at the time so it wasn't all that serious, just both of us being needy little hoes wanting attention that others didn't provide. But it was nice to have somebody in a semi romantic kind of way.

The only reason I didn't stay with my ex boyfriend Noah is because I knew that the fun of the relationship only lasts so long when it's just physical. I'm not saying didn't connect though because we did, it's just we didn't click. Unfortunately, Noah could only see that I wanted to break up and not the point where I wanted something more meaningful.

I may come off as a snob, self centered, or even egotistical but I do like the idea of finding that special someone that gets me.

Yeah sure it sounds cheesy or lame to most guys I know but how can I not want something like that, to have a best friend, advice giver, a confidant, someone who I can run to if I were to ever be in trouble of any sort. Such as emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and many others.

Sounds weird to my parents when I tell them why I haven't 'dated' anyone since I was fourteen. Because I'm not following the norm of a heavily hormonal teenage boy.

I see the confusion on my parents part really I do. I look around school or when I'm out and about in town and see guys taking any chance they get when they think they see an opportunity to get into someone's pants.

But that's not me. When it comes down to wondering eyes though I have to say guilty.

As I'm about to make my first lap around the clearing after private thoughts. I hear a rustling come from a thicket of plants. I stop in my tracks and focus on the sound and the ever changing location of the rustling.

It's when it stops that I decided that I should go over and check out the area before my friends get here if there's any possibility that danger is lurking just ahead of me.

Sure it may be a dumb idea to walk into an unknown and possibly dangerous area all by yourself but when your someone like me who's a dragon, things like danger don't seem too serious when more than likely we'll have the advantage.

As I crept closer the rustling stopped and all that was seen was a wolf and it wasn't any normal wolf it was a were wolf. I knew that this wolf wasn't my best friend.

I stared the wolf in the eye waiting for something to happen or them to at least shift. But that didn't happened and it seemed that my calm and collected behavior was intriguing.

I guess sense I look like a ordinary human and had no specific scent to pick up on, this wolf seemed think nothing other than that I was simple.

"I know what you are, and from the looks of things you think I'm just a human." This startled the wolf for a second but they soon went to a defensive stance.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but do suggest don't trying to hurt me. If won't end well for you."

This made the wolf look at me with disbelief and a snort as if telling me that they didn't believe me to be of any threat to them.

I rolled my eyes as the wolf decided to walk around me as if checking me out to get an idea about me all while trying to assert there power.

"You know, I don't know where exactly you've been but you do know that not everything meets the eye right?" The wolf which I can assume is a male gave me a light growl.

I wasn't in the mood for someone to come here and stare me down and try to assert their 'power' over me as if they are better. So to amuse myself I let one of my own growls rumble deep and low.

This surprised wolfy here who jumped back ears back and crouched low showing his teeth. "Why don't you leave and go some place else I don't even know you and I already despise your being here."

Of course said wolf would be insulted the way I told him to bug off but I don't really care this was my spot for today, to relax and hang out with my friends.

Nobody anyway is going to show up unexpectedly and act as if their the shit. And think that I'm just going to please them and submit to their little power game.

I've play this game enough with my older brothers as it is on some occasions and this wolf here has nothing on me that I can't handle especially when one of my older brothers is a constant asshole.

"I suggest you leave if you want to keep your fur from catching flames, I'm not in the mood to deal with this I'm trying to have a good time while I can for the time being."

This caught his attention and he seemed reluctant to listen while still trying to act as if he wasn't the weak one here. And so to get the damn dog out of my hair I shifted just to scare him. I wasn't really planning if smelling burnt hair, that smell is horrible.

And as i shifted the wolf scrambled away back towards the undergrowth of the trees and stare at me in bewilderment. I let another growl go just to set everything into stone that I wanted him gone. Like I wished he ran, shooting off like a bullet away from me.

No soon than that I hear my friends approaching towards me in the distance.

I turn around toward their boisterous voices with heavy steps with no doubt they weren't noticed by them.

I soon walk over to my friends as soon as they make it to the lining of the clearing and shift back and take off running towards themselves with a smile on my face.

They do the same advancing into my direction and as we meet all three of them surround me, they hug me all at once. I enjoy our moment.

They each take a step back and look at me with a smile.

"Joshua! Tell me WHY!!! I know you've been busy and all but you've got us all wondering. Why has are Joshua been ghosting us here lately." After Alices dramatic way of asking what I've been doing, I pull the most innocent face I can and blow a cloud of smoke at her quickly running covering my ears knowing her scream will surely hurt.

Sorry everyone I've been busy with a lot and haven't really had any thought of writing. I actually just remembered today I had this app and a story I was writing. I appreciate all feed back good or bad.

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