Chapter Three

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I'm soaring through the sky diving in and out of the white fluffy clouds, twisting and turning feeling the wind rushing over my midnight blue scales.

My name is Joshua but I like to go by Josh.
Im a dragon and I'm pretty bad ass if I do say so myself. I have both a mom and a dad and a few hundred siblings, crazy I know I'm one of the youngest and let me say it's a pain in the ass but I'm also a big brother too. I'm no middle child but that doesn't mean that I don't have any of the same struggles.

Since my parents and all of dragon kind grow older and older for a real long time my parents were able to have 'an army of children' my dad likes to say.

My mom loves us all the same of course and does her best to keep in touch with my sibling that have left are gargantuan home. But if you think right now 'Holy shit that's a big family!'. Well yes it may be but that's only my siblings I have cousins aunts and uncles all across the world with just as many if not more of their own kids.

Other than my family I like to spend time by myself sometimes to clear my head and get away from all the family drama. The best way I now how to relax is taking to the sky at the beginning of day light itself or under the stars when I just can't get to sleep.

It really is amazing up here, I get to see everything. From the thickest of forests, open fields, bodies of water laying still or making its journey over the land, and even the small towns and massive cities with buildings that look as if they too could touch the clouds.

After flying for so long I decided that it's best to take a break and land in a clearing in some nearby woods.

As soon as my feet touch the ground I shift back into my human form. With my jet black hair, crystal blue eyes that many like to comment about being beautiful or wishing they had my eyes. Along with my lean muscular build, sharp jaw line and pouty pink lips.

I won't lie to you but if some asked me to describe myself I'd have to say one of the two if not both 'Hot and Sexy'.

I take a look at my surroundings and see a small stream with birds wizzing by chirping and tweeting happy tunes. I feel the wind blow a light breeze over the area making the trees sway almost as if they were dancing. I decide to sit down to take in my surroundings and cool off.

Wishing I could stay right here longer but knew soon I'll have to go back home help clean up the house to prepare for my birthday that's coming up soon.

I need to hang out with my friends soon too I've been too busy lately that this is one of the only times I've able to get some time to myself. My best friends are Alice she's a siren, she's really pretty with brown hair, violet eyes, with a beautiful smile.

Then there's Luke, he's a werewolf. I would tap that if he and I saw each other in a romantic point of view but I don't think I could put up with him for long. He's a real cool guy he's built like a tank but he likes to live a more passive life style. He has sandy blonde straight hair, long on top with a nice fade just like mine.

And of course lastly Gwen, she is a witch. Dark brown hair and eyes. She calls herself the chocolate goddess. I sometimes think her ego is bigger than mine. But who could blame her she's one fine woman with her curves and strong attitude. Its hard for anyone to deny that she's a bad ass.

I love my friends, they like to give me a hard time here and there but I know they mean well. We spend most are time in the woods like am now. They like to try to persuade me to let them ride on my back when I'm in my other form but I always say no. It's not like they would let me ride on their back, well besides Luke but he doesn't count. The girls always say "Well duh we're lady's Josh and plus your to heavy anyway."

They didn't find it funny when I said "I could say the same." That resulted with them throwing whatever they could at me calling an asshole.

Luke was the only one who thought that it was funny that was until they went after him too because he was supposed to be on their side. It doesn't help when you try to run away and end up running into an invisible wall from the one and only Gwen.

I couldn't ask for any other friends, they're supportive and understanding. They always have my back regardless if I need them there or not. I do my best to do the same for them.

In all honesty though who's gonna mess with a dragon anyway. We're powerful magical beings, with strength almost unmatched the vast majority of the time.

And with this being known to all beings of the world I can get what I want when I want it without much protest. But me being the great person I am I use my influence to help others.

After sitting here for awhile reminiscing when I last hung out with my friends I get a call from the goddess herself. "What's up Gwen?"

"Hey bitch! Where the hell have you been lately? You've been gone for a while. I decided to call your ass and see why you haven't been around." I sigh knowing that I have been MIA here lately. "Look Gwen I know I haven't been around in a while but I promise I haven't forgot about you or the others."

"I sure hope not how could you forget someone like me." I could see it now Gwen smiling gesturing to herself head to toe. "Oh and Luke and Alice too." I couldn't help but laugh that she just adds our two friends in like she almost forgot.

"Well I'm sorry that I've not been around. You should know by now I'm always busy by this time of the year given that my birthday isn't to far away." I hear Gwen sigh on the other side of the phone. "I know I know Joshy, still don't understand why you have to help plan and prep your own party. I mean you do have an entire civilization of a family that could do it for you."

"I've told you before Gwen just because I have a big family doesn't mean they all have time to plan my birthday party." I say while shaking my head at her way of describing my family.

"Yeah yeah, where are you at you didn't answer my question yet?"  I look around and think of where I flew by. I then remembered that I'm flew by a massive waterfall that we all like to dive off of into a big lake just up that stream I was watching the birds fly around.

"I'm in a clearing by that waterfall we like to swim around, why?" I ask wondering why it's so important that I tell her where I am. "Because dumbass as your friend me, Alice, and Luke want to see you before your to busy to see us again."

I scoff at her remark. "Well I have you know I am not a dumbass and if it's so important for you guys to see me you could have stopped by or stayed over like you have before." I say in my defense.

"That would be nice Joshy but your not always the easiest to get a hold of when your busy around the clock." I can just see her smiling in my head knowing she knows that she won are little squabble. Because when I'm busy I normally am off the radar.

I give up and agree. "Fine just get the others and come see me while I still have some free time." I then yank my phone away from my ear once I hear high pitch screeching. I rub my sensitive ear from the attack. Sometimes I wonder if she's really a witch and not a banshee.

"Alright Josh I'll get Luke and Alice and pop your way soon, I just hope Luke isn't chasing rabbits again you know how hard it is to catch that fool when he's in puppy mode."

I smile knowing exactly what she means. Luke being a werewolf acts like a giant puppy but we don't say anything to him directly about it most the time, he becomes what we call mr. grumpy pants because dogs and werewolves aren't the same he says. But just let him be in his wolf form and be happy and jittery, the resemblance is uncanny. He's just like an over grown puppy.

"Gotcha well don't keep me waiting, my time is precious you know." I say with a goofy grin. "Yeah, certainly your highness." Mhmm there's that sarcasm I haven't heard in about a week. We then end the call and I wait for my friends to show up for some much needed fun.

Feel free to tell me what you'd like for me to tweak or change to make the story better.

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