Chapter Six

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"OMG!!!" All of us sleeping in the entertainment room were shocked awake with a very high pitch screech. "Caiden! Where are you, you little fairy friend of mine." It was at this time I knew who it was. My lovely loud mouthed friend Sarah, who was now running through the house calling my name.

"Dude who's the chick and why is she screaming for cutie here?" I was going to answer until Troy called me a cutie. I was embarrassed and a little irritated by the remark. And Kyle caught on quick with my facial expressions and began smiling as of usual. It's like his face just rests like that.

"Well that would be my little bros friend Sarah. She and his other friend um what's his name Caid?" He looks at me knowing I don't want to speak at the moment. "Brandon." I all but whisper but loud enough to be heard by Kyle. "That's right Brandon they stick to Caiden like glue. I think they got the hots for him you know." Kyle and Troy snicker at my discomfort until all the pillows in the room start beating the hell out of them. They tried getting it of the room but were constantly knocked to the ground.

"MOOOM!! HELP!!! Caiden's lost his marbles! Hearing Kyle say this made me want to laugh but I though it best to wrap him in one of the blankets like a burrito. Troy was doing his absolute best at trying to get free after see Kyle get confined to a blanket.

"I knew I would find you after hearing the shrieking of your brother. So what's going on here." Sarah walks up to me see the two big boys trying to set themselves free. Kyle was in the floor thrashing in his blanket being whacked with a few pillows and Troy was fighting the blanket I was currently trying to put him in. I was getting home in the blanket little by little because of the pillows spinning around him taking turns bashing him around.

"Well when we woke up to you yelling for me they started picking jokes at me and calling me cute. This is what they got." I say while turning to her with a pouty face. Sarah smiles at me and chuckles into her hand. "Caiden what's wrong with being called cute. And I have to agree your the cutest guy I've ever met." I look at her in shock, she knows I don't like being called cute. Nobody takes the cute person seriously. You wanna know why? Because their cute.

While I guess fighting the pillows and blanket Troy was also ease dropping on the conversation because he began laughing. I look at Sarah with the 'look what you did now look'. And so due to him listening in and laughing when he should have been busy trying to get away I step it up ten fold with my attacks and within seconds Troy is wrapped up just like my brother. Troy shocked and frightened at the pace he was captured looks around for help. When he sees Sarah not do anything but laugh. He looks ahead to see his own friend is snickering at his misfortune.

"How the hell has no adult came to save us from you!" Troy was surely in shock that his best friends little brother trapped them both and no adult came to save them during their cry of help.

I look to him and my brother thinking on what to do next. Kyle being a weirdo is laying  perfectly still smiling like the Cheshire Cat while Troy is still fighting to be set free.

Sarah notices my brothers expression and looks at me. "Is your brother ok?" I shrug my shoulders to her question not knowing what's with him anymore.

"You want some breakfast Sarah?" She nods to herself. "Yeah that sounds good. What you gonna do with them?"

Sarah and I are just staring at the two boys stuck on the floor. To be honest I bet we look creepy doing so but not as creepy as Kyle right now.

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