chapter six

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to SammieGruber, for the support that they have given me

After a long time of watching them sleep, I heard a noise out in the hallway. Being careful not to wake them up,I crept out of the room to investigate, thinking it was a zombie out there. I needed to know what it was, so if it was dangerous, I could wake them up, and we could get out of there. The only problem, was that it was completely dark, since it was nighttime. I felt my way around the darkness, trying with all my might to find what could of made the noise. With no luck, I was about to turn around to go back to the room, when I felt something connect with the back of my head. I then started seeing spots, and everything went dark.

When I came to, I was back in the room with my siblings. They were talking to a bald man with a brown colored beard and blue eyes. His eyes shown of wisdom, but yet, there was a little bit of sadness in there reflection. He also had a little bit of emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Mischievous maybe? That seemed right. Everything about him screamed familiar. I couldn't make out the words he was saying to Rosie and Ray, but he looked anxious and scared about something. After a while, I finally caught part of what was being said. "He is dangerous, we can't let him stay here. He could eat us, or worse, pass the disease to us." Great, another person against me. "He's not dangerous, he's really nice." Said Rosie. "Yes but-" "He spoke to us", Ray cut in. There was an awkward silence, as this unknown man processed what he was being told. After a while, he spoke up. "That's not possible, its just not possible.", he said. "Mr. Thompson, we've been through the zombie apocalypse, I'm pretty sure anything is possible.", replied Ray. Then, everyone was silent, left in their own thoughts. No one said a word for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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