(Chapter Four) Facing The Facts

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"Jin-hyung," Taehyung cried out as large tears spilled down his cheeks. Jin frowned and pulled the younger man into a tight hug. He shushed him and kissed his head as he rocked Taehyung back and forth. The younger man sobbed and whined like a child. Jin stroked his hair and murmured comforting words into his ear. He stayed like that until Taehyung finally calmed down and slowly pulled away. Jin wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled softly.

Min-Seo, Ji-Yoo, and Ye-Ri exchanged a concerned look; they hated seeing their brother so upset. They didn't think Taehyung would struggle with the pregnancy so much. However, they needed to talk to their mother to help them find a solution. They knew their mother would be just as puzzled as they were. They could handle the most complicated pregnancy cases, but Taehyung and his babies were beyond their expertise. This led them to their next question.

Who and how would they tell Jungkook?


It was December, and snow was falling in Seoul, covering the city with a fresh white blanket. The Kim sisters and Mi-Young ran back and forth, trying to help in any way they could. Ji-Yoo had just gone into labor and screamed her lungs out as her contractions strengthened every hour.

Taehyung was in the lobby with his brothers-in-law. Jimin snuggled into his side, playing a game on his cell phone. The atmosphere in the lobby was tense but hopeful, with family members exchanging worried glances and supportive smiles. The muted sounds of Ji-Yoo's cries echoed through the halls, adding to the sense of urgency. Despite the tension, there was an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation for the new arrival.

"Why is it so cold?" Jimin mumbled.

Taehyung shrugged, rested his head on Min-Ho's shoulder, and gazed out the glass door at the snow-covered streets. The brunette was bundled up in an oversized jacket that covered his stomach so no one would question his protruding belly. He had gained about thirty pounds in the past two months, and his sisters had secretly bought him maternity pants so he'd have something that fit.

Fortunately, his waist and thighs were slim.

"Ugh....she came here at...eight? So about six hours now."

All the men groaned as they heard Ji-Yoo scream again. They had all called out from work to be there for the rest of the women. However, they hadn't seen or heard from any of them since they arrived. Taehyung would go to the back every hour for an update on his sister. However, even as a midwife, the woman barely gave him information. They pushed him out of the way and back toward the lobby to sit with the rest of the men. Taehyung was anxious and helpless as he sat with his brothers-in-law. He wanted to be by his sister's side, offering her comfort and support, but he was confined to the lobby with only sporadic updates. Every scream from Ji-Yoo intensified his desire to be more involved in the process.

"How long does labor usually last for women, Taehyung?" Bo-Gum asked the younger man.

Taehyung sighed and wrapped his arm around Min-Ho's bicep, giving the older man a lazy stare.

"It depends on the woman. It could be anywhere from hours to days."

The men groaned again. Jin's leg bounced with anxiety, and he checked his watch every few minutes whenever his wife screamed or moaned in pain. Jin tried to distract himself by scrolling through his phone, but every notification felt like a false alarm, making his heart race. He occasionally stepped outside to take deep breaths of the cold air, hoping it would calm his nerves. When that didn't work, he resorted to pacing the lobby, his footsteps mirroring the rhythm of his anxious thoughts.

"Is she dilated? How is the baby?" He questioned. Taehyung rolled his eyes, used to fathers being impatient, nervous, scared, and sometimes rude whenever their wives were in labor.

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