Chapter 1

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Hi guys!

It's my first time writing OS and I don't know if I'm good at it or not,but will definitely try my best!
You guys share your ideas in comments ,like what would you like to read about,and I will try to write!

I guess I"ll start with JenShad, the moment when they went to Indore for promotions.


"Aren't you ready yet? I've been waiting for you an hour now,where are you? And what is with picking me at 8:30?" Jennifer talked angrily in her phone, she was already dressed up waiting for him to pick her up

"Sorry sorry..uh..I..I..just woke up and"

"WHAT!?"Interrupted Jenny

"Just woke up? We have to be in airport at 9:30,and it's" she looked at her watch "IT'S 9 ALREADY" She yelled

"Ughh ok ok relax you're hurting my ear..calm down we won't be late,you know it doesn't take me a lot of time to get ready"

"Uh..never mind,I'm coming to your place now, in order when I come, I want you to be completely ready,am I clear?"

"Yes mam" With that words he ended the call and started to get ready as quick as possible

"Harshad your here?" Asked Jenny while slightly opening the door of his home

"Yah yah, I'm just getting my sunglasses,I'm all ready" Screamed Harshad from his room and after a second showed up

"Why didn't you close the door? Close it next time,ok?"Said Jenny and gave him a big hug "By the way,where are dad and sister?

"Uh..they left,don't know where,and didn't even wake me up,but they know that I will leave so let's go or else we'll miss our plane" Answered Harshad while adjusting his clothes

"Leaving without a kissy???" Said Jenny with a sad face to which Harshad just smiled,leaned and left a kiss on her lips

"That's much better, now let's go"

"Finally!!...oh my can't imagine how tired I am" Mumbled Harshad throwing his buggage on the floor and falling on the bad

"Ok..this one's your room,sleep well tomorrow's gonna be a little hard day,ok?"

"Uhm" nodded Harshad

"Then..,I'll go to my room" She turned and was about to leave when she heard his yell

"What?" Jumped Harshad out of bed "You'll stay here with me, I can't sleep without you around, last night ok..but this time no..I won't sleep without you"

""She approached to him and cupped his face
"you know we can't,what people will think?, we decided that we should keep it private for some time,didn't we?"

"Uhh...promise me to come at night"

" can I"

"Just promise"

Jennifer sighed "Ughhh ok ok fine,I will try...Harhsadd things you do to me " She slapped her head and went out

The next day passed by really fast interview, then ride around the city,radio interview, in general, exhausted day ,so both of them were willing to go to hotel


"I know, I remember you go I'll come"

Harshad just smiled and went to his room

After few minutes Jenny joined him and they both lay on bed

"You know sometimes I wonder, can I really live without you?" Asked Harshad, in the same time playing with her hair
"I can't even a single night" He smirked

"There's no need to wonder about such a things, I'll always be with you no matter what,and..." She held his hand and kissed it "I will never leave you"

Ok,I know it's a little one, the other ones will defiantly be longer, I hope you guys liked it, I've been thinking about what to write for a month now,and then I suddenly remembered this occasion,and thought that it would be interesting to write about that.

You guys tell me what to write, and what you want to read

but if there's something you don't like confidently say,so that I can fix it!

Thank  you!!!

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