New Year with you

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So as New Year's coming, I decided to write something on this occasion. Hope you'll like it!!!

Ps. I'd like to note guys, I'm not an Indian so there may be any Indian tradishions for New Year that I don't know. I really don't mean to hurt anyone.

Thank you!


After crazy awesome Christmas Jenny and Harshad had, they were really looking forward to New Year.

This year has given them a lot of happiness, first of all they've found each other, became friends then good friends, best friends a little later they have started their relationship as bf and gf, and now they are married loving couple enjoying their marriage and happy life.

This is the biggest thing they're thankful for, for finding each other, falling in love, being together it's this years biggest gift for them.

And now our lovely couple are getting ready for the coming year.

The lights are decorating outside the house everywhere from the roof to the ground, a little tiny trees out there make it all more wonderful as the little Santa on the door waving 'hi'.

But the inside of the house is not lagging behind. The yellow lights covering the corners of the ceiling filling the room with warmness, but what else can give more warmness other than fireplace just for New Year mood.

There are also snowflakes on their windows, since there's no snow in their city, she's filling her need of snow like that, and by putting white cottons on the window sill and under the Christmas tree, oh..that Christmas tree in the corner says it all.

Big green tree so beautiful with all variety of toys, very colourful lights, little and big packed presents for their friends and family members and of course big star on the top.


Pretty much all the decorations were done by her besides the ones in the outside, their were done by Harshad couse she has a huge fear of height. So after few hours of convincing Harshad the house was shining bright.

Basically the house was full of New Year atmosphere, Christmas and New Year songs or melodies play for 24hr a day. In few words our heroes were ready for New Year.

Harshad's POV

I'm tolerating this oonly for her sake, only because I want her to be happy, and like a caring husband Im ready to do anything for here, even dressing like an elf or even a Santa Claus..yah struggling but..what else can I do? It's our first New Year together I want this to be memorable for her.

Even though sometimes I thought that she's real crazy...she's put a lot of lights literally everywhere, even our bed was full of lights, I went to her and I said " I certainly understand decorate so well, but...isn't it enough? I're not gonna decorate the bathroom too,nah?"

I would never thought that she will take my words seriously, and yes..of course she decorated the bathroom too, yup p

But the best part in all this stuff is, that I'm doing less job, luckily she spared me and have done everything alone, and I must admit our house looks freaking beautiful, am so proud of her.

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