My sweet drunkard

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"Oh my God where is he..he never gets this much late..that too he'snt picking up my calls" Zoya couldn't find her place she was running from one side to another and making calls every 10 seconds.

"Let him come back I'll show him..I can't find my place here and he's not even pleasing to call me..believe me Mr Hooda rolling pin is eeeeagerly waiting for you"

The next 15 minutes passed like a hell for Zoya she was full of both anger and concern at the same time untill the sound of an opening door hits her ears

"I'm hoooome ladies and gentlemen..I mean..only ladies" his husky voice was so loud that was heard throughout the house

Zoya quickly left the room and ran towards him, she better didn't as she had no idea what was gonna await her.

And what she saw left her in a shock...her husband, drunk, with dirty clothes, mixed hair holding his jacket which is thrown back on his shoulder and looking at her face all proud of himself, waving at her with his long fingers saying

"Heeello my beauty.."

He then got close to her and put his hand on her shoulder kinda hugging her.

"You missed me thaat much, that you ran out of our room like some kind of a tsunami is after you, huh?"

He winked at her but she only looked angry at him and moved her shoulder leaving his hand in the air

"You smell like...urghh, what the hell is going on with you?, why did you come drunk?"

"Before answering your questions can I go and check on my baby?" his puppy look didn't work this time because of his swollen face, red eyes and dirty body and without even listening to her he tried to walk ahead but Zoya's hand stopped him.

"Don't! you! dare! She's finally sleeping after the meltdown of not saying good night to you, and by the way you really thought that I would let you to see her in this state?

"What's wrong with me?" He asked and threw his jacket on the sofa.

"What? What's worng with you? I don't understand Is your neck tickling? Wants to get my fingerprints so hard? Well I'll give this one as a present" she said angrily and slammed his neck so hard that the red traces of her fingers remained on him.

"AAArhh" he screamed in pain holding his neck" hurts in case you're wondering, least cut your nails or it is a special addition to your present??" complained Adi with a sad face pointing to her nails.

"Are you joking again, this wasn't a good lesson for you? Ok.." she got him by his ear and started to lead him like that to their room and in the same time saying

"He's.. joking..I'm angry here, and he's joking..okay that's okay, he thinks he will come all drunk and I shall easily forgive, well Mr Hooda" she stopped for a second, looked at him "You are absolutely mistaken" and again countinoud.

"I'll show him now, I'll punish you so hard that you will even forget your name..just wait"

"'re hurting me...ahh..stop"

"Shut up..just Shut up!"

She dragged him to their room and let go off her hand by pushing him.

"I said it hurts!!" he screamed holding his already red ear with angry face and shaking a little bit not being able to stand himself.

"Don't scream!,your kid is sleeping!" this made Adi a little bit more calmer and relaxed "You had a lot of fun getting drunk right? it's time to payback" she answered calmly crossing her arms.

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