Our life

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So I decided to combine 2 prompts and this is how it went..


Jenny picked up her hot tea cup from the table as she was laying on the big sofa leaning on Harshad with a long soft blanket covering her and watching a tv show.

"Oh look how happy she is, you know she's been waiting for this day for a long time, now she can finally be happy with Rohit" Jenny said with a cute voice of hers, but didn't get any respond as her husband was busy in his phone

"Are you even listening to me?" she hit his chest and took his phone out of his hands "I've been commenting a hole episode so you won't listen to me?"

"I do..Rohit is getting married with the boy of his life..I mean..girl... girl of his life"

"Ohhh yes, look how happy she is..uhh she doesn't know what awaits her" she sighs and again lays on his chest "Maybe Rohit gave her a lot of hopes of a happy married live, but nahh, I've been through that"

"Wha..What you mean?, it's like am not treating you well, I fulfil all my promises, is there anything you don't like love?" he replied with a bit concerned

"No no no baby relax..I'm just kidding, your not like half of men, your unique you've already fulfilled all my wishes, I don't need anything other than cuddling and kissing" answered Jenny kissing his cheek

"If that's all what you want I can give more..." said Harshad with cunning voice getting close to her face

"Not that way Mr.,you only thing about that, why don't you be a little bit more romantic"


"This is what I exactly meant...first few days you'll be like super romantic and then the only thing you want is s...." she stopped as fast as she was talking and her face covered with red

Harshad raised his eye brows, trying to hold his laugh, lookin' at her shy face

"Ok..ok..relax, you look like a big tomato, don't get shy, let's change the topic,ok?" he asked while running his fingers through her hair

She nodded hugging him even tighter

"Tomorrow is our "we time" day and I think we shall do that with a little addition" Jenny raised her head looking at him as he countinous "tomorrow will be me saying yes to anything you want challenge, more specifically I'll do everything you want" "except wearing your clothes" he quickly added with raising his index finger

"Oh my..really? Goddd I can't believe!!!" She cupped her own cheeks and screamed with happiness

"Hey wifey don't get too excited after 'I say yes to everything' it will be 'you say yes to everything' soo..you better enjoy tomorrow's day"

Jennifer rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.."Had to say it right?"

"You know me"

Jenny was acting really weird past few weeks and that's why Harshad thought that the challenge may get her back to her senses or to just get her a little bit relaxed

It's 8pm and the sun's rays invaded  into their room as Jenny opened the curtains

"Morning Sweety!" She climbed into the bed and kissed his neck as he was sleeping on his belly

"5 more minutes pleasee" he mumbled into the pillow

"Hey! No more minutes" she hit his back "c'mon wake up, actually it's my first wish!"

"Kya wish? What are you talking about?" he asked and slowly turned on his back, rubbing his eyes

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