Captain Aditya Hooda

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3 mounths earlier

Aditya's POV

Man..this weather is awful..are they sure that it's possible to fly? Well..if they haven't said anything then it's okay..I shouldn't worry..I better get ready

"Zoya..have you seen my belt? I'm unable to find it, come please" I was standing helpless in the middle of my already messy room, waiting for my wife to come

"Aditya I've told you already it's in our wardrobe, look carefully" I heard her respond from the other room but it didn't seem to satisfy me

"Yaar I've checked there, Is it hard to come.." I said a little bit annoyed and right after that she opened the door

"My God..what have you done to this room?" She mumbled displeasedly and went to the wardrobe, on the way collecting clothes which were laying on the floor

She opened a little shelf where were a  few belts and took away one from there, then she turned to me handling it to me

"What do you think is this?"

I looked at her a bit confused, it was my mistake so I was just standing speechless

"Okay..that's fine...but just out of curiosity, why you need this? You're going somewhere?" She asked after I took the belt

"Well I hadn't told you..but I have an urgent flight today, no way to delay and I can't refuse" I talked with a guilt, and noticed a bit fear in her eyes

"A..Aditya, please cancel it" well I wasn't expecting this kind of a turn, she said it all of a sudden and caused me to doubt, but I quickly threw that thoughts out of my mind

"Zoya..what's wrong with you? Why should a cancel it? And I can't even do that" I hold her shoulders making her look straight into my eyes...her eyes where shaking, felt like she's trying so hard to hold her tears

"Aditya weather today won't be good, please's gonna be stormy and foggy can't fly" she was nodding "no" with her head and her hands were holding mine so tight

"Zoya.. Zoya relax..please relax" I held her cheeks while she was holding my palms "Listen if the weather was so bad, they themself would defiantly cancel it, if they don't, it means that we can manage that..don't worry Zoya, this is a little thing compared with thunders I used to fly..please calm down and relax nothing will happen"

"It's now like this, later it'll be worse I'm sure Aditya please" she was literally begging me seemed like 5 more minutes and she would go close the door and all the windows so that I stay.

" have to understand, there are not only passengers but also VIP clients, I cannot let them down"

"Are you the only pilot there? Can't someone replace you?"

"No..because we all decided that a week ago, they can't only because of me call for another pilot, its only me and my and the second pilot who sits with me

"I'm sure they will find a way, please Aditya stay..for my sake.." she ended with a look of a hope that I will say "okay..I'm staying" but I can't, I just can't

"Zoya..look, let me go..and I promise I'll call you every 10 minutes okay?"

"Why every 10 minutes, promise to call me every minute, and also before the flight and when you reach"

"Okay..okay that's the deal, I promise to call you every minute, I will try okay?, trust me nothing will happen, I'll be safe"

Not sure if I was calming down her or me, her frightnend scared me too, no matter how hard I tried but in the little corner of my heart there was a little fear which I tried to ignore.

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