An announcement

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Hi guys !

I'm really sorry I've been out for a very long time, I really do have a tough schedule and this week too isn't going to be easy but I also want to write something.

Next week I'll have a lots of time and will defiantly post more,couse
my every single day feels incomplete when I don't write anything.

So any prompts, ideas you could give me?

You else DM me or write in comment section

And also guys please focus on voting for AVTA it's really important for us to make this two win and go to London, competition is so hard so please vote as much as you can

That too tomorrow will be ITA I'm really so excited, and I hope they won't come back with empty hands, I hope at least ITA will understand the value of this two precious actors, and also the show!!!

Thank you so much ! ! !

AdiYa/JenShad BookWhere stories live. Discover now