six. mission mackie

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six. mission mackie

Harrison and Christiana stood by the sidelines as their friends shot their scene. Large blue screens were set up around the perimeter, which would later be edited into looking like the background needed for the scene, and a number of actors were positioned within the space.

They waited for the Russos to yell action, and then some more, both because they wanted to see the action unroll and because they needed to disappear without anyone noticing they were gone. That wouldn't be so difficult, as they were only assistants, but they didn't make their presence known just in case.

When they were sure everyone was caught up in the scene, they slipped around the corner, sneaking into the studio. It was a vast space, high ceilings and wide rooms, but there was a hallway in which doors led to dressing-slash-make-up rooms, and they made their way to Mackie's.

Every celebrity had certain demands, Christiana had read about various singers demanding this and that from the city they'd have a concert in, but some actors were similar. Downey, for example, had his own trailer park. It was called the Downey Estate, and everyone wanted to be invited, as it wasn't just one trailer next to the other; it was like a full-blown suite, which was incredible, considering what it was made of.

And Mackie, well, Mackie loved this special New Orleans food, which was deep fried rice cakes with powder sugar, and he would eat them for breakfast. But that day they started filming at five in the morning, and he said once how he ate breakfast at seven, otherwise he got sick, so had only had coffee that morning, which meant the calas - as the dish was called - were still in his dressing room waiting to be eaten.

Christiana looked over her shoulder toward the entrance, before pulling a bobby pin from her hair. She placed it between her teeth, biting down and stretching it as she ducked down. Harrison was pressed against the wall, on the other side of the door, keeping guard. Charlotte was the one to think of the plan when Tom told her about the breakfast Mackie didn't let anyone have a bite of, but the two of them were filming with the man, so the dirty work fell into the hands of their assistants.

The blonde frowned at the key slot, sure the lock should have clicked open by now; she was up all night watching videos and picking the lock on her hotel room, she was practically a professional by now. She looked up at Harrison, who was just as worried as she was. But then, he reached toward the door knob and pressed it, and the doors opened.

He smiled nervously as the girl crawled into the room, waiting for her to get out of his way before entering with one last glance to the empty hallway. When they were inside, he closed the door and helped the girl search for the bowl.

"It should be right there." she motioned toward the desk opposite the one with the make up on and a mirror in front of it.

"Maybe he put them away for later." Harrison started opening the cabinets, and Christiana copied. They hadn't found anything yet when the boy shushed her. There were voices coming from the other side of the door.

The girl whisper-shouted for him to hide, and he jumped into the slot between two desks, pressing himself against the wall and taking in a breath so as to not be visible, though he was too slender for anyone to spot him anyway. Meanwhile, Christiana crawled into the space under the vanity, pulling the chair towards it to hide herself better.

They waited for a moment before a man dressed into the catering attire walked in and placed a bowl onto one of the counters Harrison was hiding between. He closed his eyes, as if not seeing the man would prevent him from being seen, and soon the doors shut with the man exiting.

Christiana let out a breath of relief, pushing the chair away and standing up, Harrison squeezing through the space and back into the room. He nodded to her, before opening the door and looking both ways, waving for her that the coast was clear. She took the large bowl in her hands and passed by him as he held the door open for her, still attentively watching for anyone who could stumble upon them.

He closed the door and hurried to catch up with her, opening the doors to Tom's dressing room, which was just across the hall, while Charlotte's was further down. When the girl placed the bowl on the coffee table and the boy closed the door, both of them let out the breath they were holding the entire time, Christiana falling into a chair and Harrison leaning forward onto the door.

* * *

Some time later, Tom and Charlotte burst into the former's dressing room with expectant looks on their faces. They had noticed their friends were missing when they finished shooting the scene, but they weren't certain if they managed to execute their plan. But when they saw the bowl on the table, they burst into laughter

"I can't believe you actually did it." Charlotte squealed, hugging Chris tightly, though the blonde noticed her friend's eyes were red, as if from crying, but she assumed they were filming one of the death scenes.

"You doubt us, Charlotte, I'm offended." Harrison scolded, and she pulled away to give him a look.

"Okay, Mackie's gonna notice they're missing any minute." Tom warned them, "He's probably gonna go to the catering service to ask for them first before bursting in here, so we gotta eat up fast."

He sat down by the coffee table then, taking a few of the rice cakes and biting into one. Harrison leaned over the bowl to take one, "This isn't so bad actually."

Charlotte and Christiana joined in, and they really were delicious, but they didn't have the time to savour them, so they filled their cheeks with the pastry, feeling like they were doing the Chubby Bunny challenge.

"Wubby Bwabby." Christiana tried, before giving up in a fit of laughter.

"Oh, God." Charlotte fell against the chair, her stomach protesting against the sudden and large amount of food. There was one calas left, and they were all full and looked like they were dying.

"We just reversed our training for about five years, I think." Tom piped up.

"You trained for this role?" Charlotte asked, leaning forward to take the last rice cake, thinking about the training she would probably have to do as well.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Christiana answered lazily.

The door opened to reveal Mackie fuming, his eyes set on the last rice cake in Charlotte's hand. She looked him in the eyes, then at the pastry, and though she felt as if she'd burst if she ate it, she stuffed the calas into her mouth, eyes trained on the man.


Soo here's a real life chapter, the british invasion teaming up against mackie, though this isn't the entire army the brits have to offer, just wait until you see part three!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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